The theory of “soft balancing” deals with the actions and interactions among states that is different from traditional balancing theories. The former features a belief that states achieve balances among themselves in indirect and covert ways under uncertain threats and interests pegged with other states. During the past few years, the theory of soft balancing has gradually gained prominence in academic circles of international relations. Researchers not only apply the theory while interpreting actual cases, but al..
國際關係學者瓦特(Stephen M. Walt)曾提出以「威脅平衡」概念為主的聯盟理論,挑戰了現實主義內部關於「權力平衡」的論點,後來又有學者提出「利益平衡」與「推卸責任」的論述加以反駁。經由本文的探討與重新檢視,這些學者爭論的焦點在於「制衡」與「扈從」概念上的界定。由於學界對於「扈從」在理論解釋與個案運用上的解讀不同,其實際上涵蓋了積極扈從(順從)與消極扈從(屈從)兩種相反的概念,吾人若僅從「制衡」與「扈從」兩種分類便欲判斷何者在國際關係中較為盛行,則易..
Stephen M. Walt proposed his theory of alliances, focusing mainly on the concept of balance-of-threat. His statement challenged the prevailing concept of balance-of-power theory of traditional realism, thereby receiving criticizisms of “balance-of-interest” and “buck-passing.” This article re- examines the debates, and finds out that the major controversy is in fact how to circumscribe “balancing” and “bandwagoning”. When using the concept of “bandwagoning”, scholars..
In a U.S.-dominated post-Cold War unipolar international system, the possible power shifts between the second-tier great powers and the Americans, such as a systemic balance, will have great impacts on the existence and endurance of the current international system. According to the Realist theses, “balance of power” is a stabilizing factor that contributes to international security and regional stability as the great powers endeavor to prevent concentration of capabilities in one or a few nations through the process of distribu..
亞洲金融危機始自 1997 年 7 月泰銖的崩潰,以印尼、南韓、泰國、菲律賓及馬來西亞等 5 國受害最深,其他鄰國也紛紛遭受波及,各國根據所處主、客觀環境,採取不同的因應方法。泰國、印尼、南韓等國由於外匯短缺,只有聽任本國貨幣貶值,進行經濟上的對外調整,而其後遺症則為倚賴外債過深的企業連鎖倒閉,帶來金融機構逾期放款大幅增加,以及經濟成長率下滑、失業率上升等問題。新加坡、香港、日本、中國及台灣,整體而言受影響較小。自 1997 年亞洲爆發金融危機,迄 2006..
The Asian financial crisis started with the collapse of the Thai baht in July 1997. Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines and Malaysia were the countries most affected by the crisis. The other neighboring countries were also hit by the slump. Those countries took different strategies to cope with their crises according to their own subjective and objective environment. Because of the shortage of foreign exchange reserves, Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea had to let local currencies devaluated substantially to adjus..
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