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搜尋結果 : 和"balance of power"有關的資料, 共有12筆
Further Advancement of the Balance of Power Theory: The Distinction between System and Situation
唐豪駿 (Hao-chun Tang) 明居正 (Chu-cheng Ming)

本文旨在釐清學界對於「權力平衡狀態」與「權力平衡體系」的內涵混淆,透過對「權力平衡體系」進行嚴謹的定義,推進權力平衡理論的解釋力。 學界一直對「權力平衡」的理解有許多誤解與偏見,其中,誤將「狀態」等同於「體系」是最常見的問題。本文先回顧華爾茲(Kenneth Waltz)對於體系的界定,指出其中的不足之處,並借用建構主義溫特(Alexander Wendt)的理論來補充。描繪出我們對於權力平衡體系的文化、結構與邏輯等論點。 藉由對體系進行嚴謹的定義,不但使得「權力平衡狀態..

This article aims to clarify the confusion among academic circles about the connotations of “Balance of Power Situation” and “Balance of Power System” and to advance the explanatory power of BOP theory through a rigorous definition of “Balance of Power System.” There have always been many misunderstandings and deviations in “Balance of Power.” Mistaking “situation” with “system” is the most common problem. This article first reviews the definition of “system&r..

概念化逐霸國家行為: 戰國時代秦國逐霸過程的啟示
Conceptualizing Aspiring Hegemon’s Behavior: Inspirations from Qin’s Hegemony-Quest Process in the Warring States Period
陳欣之 (Hsin-chih Chen)

現有國際關係對於霸權的已有論述,大多試圖描述國際體系出現逐霸國家的原因,卻少有探索逐霸國家的行為策略,對於逐霸國家如何克服各種挑戰,組建層級霸權秩序,尚未提出具體的分析模型。本文擬填補逐霸理論空白,概念化逐霸國家行為,提出逐霸分析架構,觀察逐霸國家在逐霸過程中如何克服競逐資格,地位汰除,以及新層級秩序組建的三大挑戰。戰國時代秦國先後淘汰魏國、楚國與齊國等逐霸競爭對手的歷程,是本文的研究樣本。公元前356年秦孝公變法改革,秦國強固內部統治權威,運用內部權力成長途徑(Internal Pow..

Existing International Relations Studies’ arguments on the hegemony are mostly satisfied with describing the birth of hegemon in the international system, but rarely explored its behavior and strategies for obtaining the supreme status of hegemony. There is no specific research framework for exploring how the aspiring hegemon overcomes challenges and establishes a hierarchical hegemonic order in the international society. This paper intends to fill the theoretical gap of hegemony studies, conceptualizes aspiring hegemon’s behavi..

On Taiwan’s Food Safety Governance from the Perspective of Imbalance within Rights and Liabilities Distribution: A Case Study of the Act Governing Food Sanitation
譚偉恩(Wei-En Tan)郭家瑾(Chia-Chin Kuo)


Consumers, the food industry, and the government are the main actors in the area of food safety and the embedded domain of public health. Theoretically, only by balancing power among the three actors will desired food safety be maintained, even though the three actors have different preferences. Nevertheless, the industry frequently plays the leading role in the market because of its superiority in information possession. Thus, the government usually leans toward collaborating with the industry, leaveing consumers under indus..
