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The Conflict of Legal Status of the Kerch Strait and How It Could Inform Right of Passage Through the Taiwan Strait
顧志文 (Chih-wen Ku)

克赤海峽為連接黑海與亞速海(Sea of Azov)的唯一通道,海峽通行權不管是對俄羅斯或烏克蘭或第三國都不曾發生重大問題,隨著2014年俄羅斯兼併克里米亞半島,2015年俄羅斯重啟克里米亞大橋建設後才衍生出通行權問題。然反觀臺灣海峽為連接東海與南海的海上交通要道,近來每當美國及他國軍艦通過臺灣海峽時,中國大陸軍艦即尾隨或驅離,對海峽通行權造成若干程度的影響,也提高了發生擦槍走火的可能性。2018年11月25日克赤海峽所發生的衝突事件對臺灣海峽通行權問題的啟..

The Kerch Strait connecting the Sea of Azov to the Black Sea is the only route in and out of the Sea of Azov. Passages through the strait had been free of major issues until 2014 when Russia occupied Crimea, pushing out Ukraine; thereby controlling both sides of the strait and began quickly constructing a bridge spanning the strait. In East Asia, there is the Taiwan Strait that connects the East China Sea to the South China Sea. Unlike the Kerch Strait, the Strait of Taiwan is a significant international sea route. Recently U..

Directly Elected President, Democratization and Party System Change: A Comparative Study on European Countries
沈有忠 (Yu-chung Shen) 陳宥辰 (You-chen Chen)


Party politics is an important issue to explain the constitutional work and consolidation of a democracy, and especially for newly democracies. If the party system would be affected by different types of constitutional systems and historical legacy, the party system should also be changed. We have three hypotheses: first, we suppose those countries with a directly elected president will have a higher probability for party system change. And the smaller parties are more likely out of parliament. Second, based on the coattail effect, countrie..

The Development of Voluntary Global Standards: The Perspective of Private Authority
林竣達 (Jiun-da Lin)

本文試圖深入分析私權威的概念,並評析近期學界對於自願性全球標準的研究成果。本文認為,私權威的概念能對全球治理研究提供兩項重要貢獻:首先,私權威的概念挑戰了強調國際無政府狀態的傳統觀點以及以國家為中心的研究途徑。其次,私權威的概念有助於研究者以行為者導向的途徑來解釋全球治理中的變異現象。以私權威的概念作為基礎,本文疏 理了自願性全球標準的發展情勢,並以氣候債券倡議組織作為關鍵個案,評析自願性全球標準的三個研究方向:自願性全球標準的形成、自願性全球標準在形式上的變異,以及自願性全球標準的成效..

This article examines the concept of private authority and the current studies of voluntary global standards. This article argues that the concept of private authority can contribute to the study of global governance in two ways. First, the concept of private authority challenges the traditional views of international anarchy and the state-center approach. Second, the concept of private authority provides the foundation for the actor-oriented approach to explain the variation in global governance. Based on the concept of private authority, ..

Transnational Human Rights NGOs and Democratic Transition in Latin America
蘇彥斌 (Yen-pin Su)

拉丁美洲許多國家在第三波民主化浪潮中歷經政體轉型,在比較政治學界中為一重要的研究課題。有別於既有文獻從總體層次、或是國際層次的因素來探討政體變遷,本論文主張跨國人權非政府組織網絡對於民主轉型具有重要的促進效果。本研究以拉丁美洲18個威權體制(1969∼1995) 的資料為基礎,運用量化方法對於上述主張進行系統性的驗證。本研究的實證分析顯示,在其他條件不變的情況下,一個威權國家若有愈密集的跨國人權非政府組織動員網絡,則該國愈有可能歷經民主轉型。綜合而言,本論文的創新之處在於透過嚴謹..

The regime change of many Latin American countries under the Third Wave of democratization has been a crucial topic in the field of comparative politics. Unlike previous literature that examines how democratic transition is shaped by macro-level or international-level factors, this study argues that transnational human rights NGOs networks play a significant factor in promoting democratic transition. Using data of 18 authoritarian regimes in Latin America between 1969 and 1995, the quantitative analysis demonstrates that a higher level of t..
