各期期刊 All issues

Issues and Policies of High Seas Fisheries Management-On Flag of Convenience and IUU Fishing
江世雄(Shih-Hsiung Chiang)

長期以來人類對於海洋生物資源的過度開發導致許多漁業資源日漸減少,甚至有瀕臨絕種之虞。因而為了實現漁業資源的永續開發,國際社會企圖從漁船的管理與海上漁業活動的規範兩方面著手建立有效的管理取締體系。本稿在於檢討公海漁業管理上船旗國所扮演之角色與功能,主要以探討權宜船管理與 「非法、未報告、未受規範漁業 (Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, IUU Fishing)」之關係作為論述重點,並且進一步從強化船旗國義務的觀點,析論相關規範之有效性..

It is often mentioned that some fish stocks have been perched on the edge of extinction because of over-fishing and the lack of effective measures of fisheries management and conservation. In order to enable a sustainable development of fishery resources, international community tries to establish various management and enforcement measures against illegal fishing activities at seas. However, the effectiveness of some of these measures is frequently questioned and criticized such that nowadays the fishery issues and their countermeasures or..

Reflections on the Constitutionalization of WTO Laws: The Emergence of International Constitutionalism and Its Impacts on International Public Law
曾雅真(Yea-Jen Tseng)


Despite debates addressed among constitutionalists, the concept of international constitutionalism has caused legal consequences to the sovereignty base of international law, and thus mutates the concept of the status of the states. Nowadays, trade scholarship is particularly preoccupied with questions of constitutionalism. The constitutionalization of WTO regulations has triggered a debate on the future of global constitutionalism. Some scholars of the International Public Law believe that WTO, as an institution of global governance, would..

Diffusion and Practice of International Human Rights through the Concept of "Responsibility to Protect": The Case of "R2P Initiative"
蔡育岱(Yu-Tai Tsai)

權力與國家利益是國際政治研究的主要探討因素,也是國際關係學界戰後研究的起點,本文認為「權力」決定「國家利益」,進而限制「國家行為」的觀點 ,在國際人權規範下未必依舊是當代國際政治與國家行為的鐵律。從冷戰後國際社會的維持和平行動來看,有相當程度國家武力干預並非出於國家利益的動機,亦非與地緣戰略有關,而只是為了去維持國際社會的價值,一種強調人權價值、避免種族淨化的發生。這種國際社會的價值 (人性尊嚴、法治、民主) ,某種程度存有所謂規範制約權力的成分,強調權力的使用來自合法性,而這規範的形塑..

Power and national interest constitute an important research topic in the study of international politics, and can be seen as the starting point for the study of international relations in the post-war period. A number of scholars have asserted that “power” determines “national interest." Such a view, however, can result in an excessively restricted understanding of “national behavior," since the relationship between contemporary international politics and national behavior is not necessarily an ironclad on..

Beyond Mutual Dependence and Confrontation-Transformations of Korean Government's Chaebol Policy
林文斌(Wen-Pin Lin)

韓國財閥如現代、三星、LG,目前已是全球知名企業。他們的崛起與韓國政府的強烈支持有重大關係:政府支持財閥,分擔其投資分險、給予寡、獨占市場控制;財閥則回報政府以提供就業機會、賺取外匯、促進經濟成長。然而在此光明表象下,韓國政府與財閥間也有為人詬病的陰暗關係:政府官員收受財閥政治獻金及其他種種 「政治規費」,財閥則被回報以財經措施上的優惠。而隨著政治民主化,政府遭受國民逐漸上升的監督,要求政府和財閥的透明關係,並控制富可敵國的財閥。然而財閥則因經濟自由化而日益壯大,不再受制於政府的管控。韓..

Korean conglomerates, or chaebols in Korean, such as Samsung, Hyundai, LG, are now familiar and global enterprises. However, the rising of chaebols was supported and often pushed by Korean government. For instance, government and chaebols shared investment risks and their aims to keep national market oligarchic or monopolistic, etc. Chaebols returned by creating employment opportunities, earning foreign exchanges, and driving economic development. But underneath the shining surface lies a dark and notorious side: for economic, financial, an..
