This article looks into the changing relationship between the Turkish government and the Kurdish population within Turkey. In explaining changes in this relationship over the past twenty years, the roles of three external actors - the U.S., the Iraqi Kurds, and the EU - are brought into consideration. The Iraqi War prompted the U.S. government to have a cozy relationship with the Iraqi Kurds, a development that alarmed the Turkish government. In contrast with the conventional approach to power by the American government, the Europeans have successfully modified the behavior of the Turkish government, with the improvement of Turkish Kurds’ human rights situation being one example. The combined effects of all these external actors on Turkey are the increasingly limited options available to the government in terms of its policy towards the Kurds within its border.
冷戰的結束為全球國際情勢創造了新的現況,「安全」的意義不再只是狹義的以「國家」為「安全」的唯一適用單位,「人類安全」概念在這樣的背景下出現。唯「人類安全」指的是「誰的」安全? 針對此一問題,本文從移民議題與人類安全概念的相容性切入,探討人類安全概念在移民議題上之適用性。文章進而專注於歐盟對人類安全概念之論述,並以近年非洲企圖渡海抵達歐洲之移民情況為個案來評估歐盟將人類安全付諸實踐之情況。結論指出,「人類安全」之思維既已得到歐盟支持認同,則那些鋌而走險企圖尋求較好生活環境的非法移民在跨海過..
The new international status quo resulted from the end og the Cold War has broadened tthe definition of "security". No longer does "security" pertian only to "nations", a theme best epitomized by the concept of "human security". The concept of human security, however, has been under attack for its lack of clarity regarding "whose" security it aims to analyze. This article tackles this problem by probing into the applicability of the concept on the migration issue. It focuses on the ..
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