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Analysis of Polish Foreign Policy after the Cold War
楊三億(San-Yi Yang)


本文認為波蘭外交政策變化之因在於 : 第一,加入北約是為了滿足對外部安全環境的需求,以外交政策調整發誓獲得安全保證,決策者透過實質理性判斷,滿足加入北約的心理與歷史需求。第二,加入歐盟乃是希望以現代化方向提升國家能力,透過程序理性取得全民共識。第三,美伊戰爭對波蘭而言屬突發性狀況處理,波蘭政府僅能從實質理性角度處理「何種外交政策」才是波蘭國家利益所在,政治菁英以歷史思維的記憶強化決策正當性,並據此調整外交政策。

The shift in foreign policy of Poland during the post-Cold war period can be considered as a significant process in the development of the European politics. This study focuses on the changes of foreign policy structure of Poland after the joining of NATO, EU and the US-lead war on Iraq. The changes are motivated by the strength on pursuit of power, rationality of the state interest, and the ideological and historical influence on the foreign policy making.

This analysis draws the conclusion to the cause in Polish foreign policy change. First, the joining of NATO being the need of Poland for a secure external environment; by adjustment of foreign policy to ensure a secure environment, the leadership through rational judgement fulfills the ideological and historical prerequisit. Second, joining of EU being the hope of modernization and reaching of higher status of state; legal process are required to gian popular consensus. Third, the US-lead Iraqi War being the challenge for Poland dealing with sudden unexpected circumstances in international affairs. The Polish government facing the challenge are endown with making rational choices, strengthening historical and ideological influence on foreign policy adjustment.
