1992 年以來,蓋達組織的戰略行為是跨國界、不分軍民的恐怖攻擊。蓋達恐怖組織主要以打擊西方世界與其盟友的利益,為主要目標,形成國際安全的巨大威脅。本文使用文本、歷史、迷思與信仰四個文化要素,以蓋達組織為例,試圖理解宗教導向恐怖組織的戰略行為;以《古蘭經》與《聖訓》 為主的伊斯蘭宗教文本,賦予蓋達組織戰略脈絡;二戰後的歷史經驗,形成蓋達組織將西方勢力逐出伊斯蘭世界的戰略目標:源於極端伊斯蘭思想的理念迷思,將「聖戰」作為恐怖攻擊的戰略手段;最後賓拉登的信仰,落實在教令中,賦予蓋達組織全球恐怖攻擊的戰略意義。
Since 1992, al-Qaeda's strategic behavior is characterized by its cross- border and indiscriminate massive terror attacks with both military personnel and civilians as targets. Al-Qaeda’s goal is to strike the interests of the Western and its allies, thus posing a dangerous threat to international security. This article attempts to use four cultural elements – text, history, myths and beliefs – to understand the strategic behavior of al-Qaeda that is religious- oriented. “Quran" and “hadith”, the main sources of Islam, provide al-Qaeda strategic contexts. The historical experience after World War II shaped al- Qaeda’s strategic objectives to expel Western influences out of the Islamic world. The myth stemmed from extremist Islamic ideology that defined "jihad" as strategic means of terrorist attacks. Finally, the beliefs of Osama bin Laden were implemented in fatwa, which provided al-Qaeda terrorist attacks strategic meaning.
本文探討法國印太戰略對歐盟與臺灣影響,認為法國的印太戰略在美 國與中國競逐的壓力下,採取了積極的策略,並影響歐盟印太合作戰略的 方向。法國的印太戰略以捍衛國家安全為核心,採取積極避險策略,一方 面希望提升法國在歐盟內部的影響力,另一方面則希望促進歐盟與印太國 家的經貿合作,幫助歐洲擺脫美國在烏克蘭危機上對歐洲的控制和主導。 法國的積極作為促使歐盟印太合作戰略增強與印太地區國家發展多邊關 係,並有助於將臺灣納入歐盟印太地區整體的安全與經濟合作框架中。
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