由於先天即存在應然與實然的落差,加上後天多元研究取向所導致立論之分歧,使得半總統制常有評價之爭議。因此,論者在研究中除了應正確認識半總統制的理論內涵,亦需謹慎進行案例的比較或應用,始能產生更精確、細緻的研究成果。本文出於這樣的關懷,將從理論層面出發,透過相關文獻檢閱與不同研究方法之回顧,重新發現半總統制的分析焦點及不同運作類型之內涵及變遷方向。再者,本文也將進行半總統制案例的初步檢驗,以確認半總統制國家實際運作的不同樣態與其中原因。 ..
Since Maurice Duverger proposed the concept of semi-presidentialism in 1980, disputes have increasingly been raised among researchers. Given the gap between norms and operations of semi-presidentialism, as well as the complexities among the relationships of president, prime minister, and congress in the operations of semi-presidential countries, this paper develops a theory-driven comparative framework of this concept. Through re- examining the definitions of semi-presidentialism and the methodology of analyzing its operation..
Based on the fact that the type of government system will affect the way the government operates during the COVID-19 epidemic, this article attempts to explore how Taiwan’s semi-presidential government handled the epidemic. The focus of the study is on the central government level, exploring the operations of the president, the president of the Executive Yuan, the epidemic command center (commander), and Congress, and considering the impact of factors such as unified government and the fact that the president is the chairman of a poli..
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