本文的目的在於從方法論出發,探討從事計量研究時所應關切的比較問題邏輯。首先,作者說明比較研究的問題本質,並提出比較單元與分析單位異同時的不同研究架構;接著進一步討論在比較的架構下,如何運用適當計量模型設定方式,方能對於比較問題提出直接的因果關係驗證,也說明不適當之方法所可能產生的問題。在應用上,作者採「台灣選舉與民主化調查: 2005 年縣市長選舉」之實證資料,以縣市發展程度為區隔,針對台灣民眾的投票行為進行地區效應之比較研究。實證分析結果顯示,在適當計量方法的運用下,我們方可進一步探索各比較單元內可能存在的因果異質性。在理論意涵上,筆者也討論選民所處的縣市發展程度差異如何影響其投票行為與思考模式。
In recent years, it is possible that researchers apply quantitative method to comparative inquiries by the accumulation of cross-sectional survey data. Accordingly, some political scientists start to explore and study comparative inquiries tested by pooled cross sectional data, sorted by the units such as time, countries and some specific subjects guided through theoretical postulates.
This paper is concerned about the logic and application of quantitative research methodologically, especially in comparative inquiries. First of all, the author addresses the essence of comparative inquiries, and advances herewith a corresponding research framework. Secondly, this paper argues that the proper use of model specification may contribute to clarify sophisticated causal relationships, and demonstrates the results of models incorrectly specified as well. Sequentially, by analyzing survey data, the author identifies the association between regional contexts and voting behaviors by comparing different levels of economic development among various counties in Taiwan.
The empirical result shows that the causal heterogeneity of comparative
units would be examined only in the compatible model specification. Moreover, the author further interprets how voting behavior is influenced by various developmental levels of counties where the voters dwell, and provides a theoretical linkage.
中共於1971年10月25日取得聯合國之中國席次。本文探討中共自1971年參與聯合國至2005年為止,其在安理會的投票行為。本文除了介紹安理會之投票規定之外,重點在於探討影響中共投票的因素,藉以瞭解中共外交在這一時期的變化。本文將中共此一時期的投票分為三個階段,第一階段從1971至1981年,此一時期中共對聯合國採取消極、相對不合作態度; 第二階段從1982至1989年,中共對聯合國表現高度合作立場;; 第三階段是從1990年至2005年,中共採取選擇性支持策略,對涉及人權、具干涉內政意..
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