台灣與新加坡雖然一直被學者認為是發展國家的典型案例,然而兩者在 1990 年代之後卻邁向截然不同的轉型途徑;展現在國家介入市場的特徵上也大異其趣。雖然有關兩個發展國家的現況已有許多個別研究,然而透過比較的視角以探討兩地公私部門間的網絡鑲嵌結構的差異,在目前的研究文獻中仍然鮮少。本文透過制度論的分析架構,聚焦在兩者的政府介入企業層次的治理網絡,考察其結構的形成歷史與演變軌跡,透過量化的資料比較其異同,並探討兩種不同網絡結構可能會有的政經意涵。1990 年代以後的新加坡政府整合強大的國家資源,透過跨國投資與仲介企業合作為手段的強勢擴張型網絡,積極地帶領本地企業擴張;相較之下,台灣則逐漸轉型為受民間企業力量左右並被分裂的選舉與利益團體力量所困的被動網絡形態。這兩種途徑的演變各有其不同的歷史經驗與制度脈絡,也構成兩地未來發展路途上不同的挑戰。
Although Taiwan and Singapore have been considered as two successful cases of the developmental state model, their recent transformations demonstrate distinct and divergent paths. Recent studies have documented this transition from a macro perspective of the political-economic process, yet scholars have been relatively inattentive to the market governance network from a meso-organizational perspective. We believe that it will help us better understand the transforming nature of two developmental states by looking at the network interface between public and private sectors and see how it serves as a critical mechanism for state power to control and govern the market. In this study we look into the difference of two markets in the embeddedness structure between state agencies and private sectors, laying out their respective institutional logics, examining the networking patterns between state-owned and private businesses, and discussing implications to the issues of state-business relationship and corporate governance.
台海兩岸自 1949 年分裂至今,雙方的政策雖歷經不同階段的調整,但仍無法突破僵局。中共始終不放棄以武力方式解決台灣問題的可能性,堅持對台灣使用武力乃其處理國內事務之主權合法行使,不受國際法的限制。本文從國際法禁止使用武力原則的目的與相關實踐來看,此原則不僅針對國家,也對包括事實實體在內的其它國際法人適用。現階段台灣在國際法下的國家地位雖有些爭議,但不影響其作為一個受國際法規範與保障的事實實體。不過,在兩岸關係中,由於中共堅持台灣問題為中國內政,且國際社會對..
The stand-off across the Taiwan Strait has, since 1949, continued to divide the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (Taiwan). The PRC still insists that the Cross-Strait situation is an internal affair of China, and thus it upholds the position that using force against Taiwan is a legitimate exercise of sovereignty under international law. This article argues that, based on relevant practices, non-use of force as a principle under customary international law applies not only to States, but also to..
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