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自傳體敘事、主體思想與「北韓例外論」 之論述基礎
Autobiographical Narrative, Juche Idea, and the Discourse Basis of Korea Exceptionalism
游力亮 (Li-Liang You) 季宇琦 (Yu-Qi Ji)


In terms of “exceptionalism”, some studies have focused on the imagination and construction of exceptionality by major powers such as the United States, China, and India, while ignoring the deep-rooted tradition of exceptionalism in North Korea as a hermit kingdom. With this in mind, this article uses an analytical framework for national autobiographical narratives and analyzes Korean exceptionalism with a focus on the Juche idea. The article argues that the mythological narrative-oriented myth of Dangun, the narrative manipulat..

中美數位基礎建設在印太地區的競逐: 戰略敘事觀點
US-China Competition in Digital Infrastructure Across the Indo-Pacific: A Strategic Narrative Analysis
張詠詠 (Yung-Yung Chang)

近年來,中美兩強權在印太地區的戰略競爭愈演愈烈。特別是在基礎建設上,所謂的聯通性戰略,更是兩國在印太地區較量的指標。隨著經濟的快速發展,印太地區對數位化所需的基礎建設越顯急迫。在新冠疫情後,印太國家更加關注高質量的網路基礎設施以及一些關鍵的數據驅動技術,包括人工智慧(AI)。因應此需求,中國早在「一帶一路」(Belt and Road Initiative, BRI)的旗幟下,提倡「數位絲綢之路」(Digital Silk Road, DSR),積極推進數位基礎設施合作。美國則提出了「自..

In recent years, the strategic competition between China and the United States in the Indo-Pacific region has intensified, particularly in the realm of infrastructure development. The concept of connectivity has become a key indicator of this competition, as both countries seek to expand their influence in the region. With the rapid economic growth, the demand for digitalizationrelated infrastructure in the Indo-Pacific region has become increasingly critical. In the post pandemic period, Indo-Pacific countries are more concerned about high..

選舉輸家和贏家的情感極化差異: 政治效能感的調節作用
The Differences of Affective Polarization between Electoral Losers and Winners: The Moderating Role of Political Efficacy
王靖興 (Ching-Hsing Wang)


Previous research has pointed out significant differences between electoral losers and winners in terms of democratic satisfaction and political support. However, there has been scarce examination of whether there are significant differences in affective polarization between electoral losers and winners. This study argues that in fiercely competitive elections, electoral losers lack confidence in the winners and distrust that their needs will be addressed, deepening the divide between them and the winning camp, and leading to higher levels ..

出口再集中策略對碳費政策實施的啓示: 以臺灣鳳梨事件為例
The Lessons from Export Re-concentration Strategy for Carbon Fee Policy: A Case Study of Taiwan Pineapple Incident
趙育杰 (Yu-Jie Zhao) 吳冠霆 (Kuan-Ting Wu) 大倉悠生 (Yuki Okura)


“Net-zero emissions” is a target set by United Nations to be achieved by 2050. While Taiwan aligns with international emission reduction goals, it has shown limited focus on greenhouse gas emissions related to various export strategies and the global trend of carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAM) which is promoted by the international community. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of greenhouse gas emissions influenced by different export strategies during Taiwan’s shift towards export diversification..





《問題與研究》刊物從民國95年(2006年)起被長期收錄在國科會「臺灣社會科學核心索引(Taiwan Social Sciences Core Index, TSSCI)」期刊資料庫中,並在2022年、2019年連續獲得國科會人文社會科學研究中心TSSCI第一級的最高肯定。同時,本刊物更連續在2024年、2022年、2021年、2019年、2017年屢次獲得國家圖書館認定「臺灣最具影響力人社期刊」政治學門 社會影響力第一名的榮譽。


《問題與研究》刊物從民國95年(2006年)起被長期收錄在國科會「臺灣社會科學引文索引(Taiwan Social Sciences Core Index, TSSCI)」期刊資料庫中,並在2022年、2019年連續獲得國科會人文社會科學研究中心TSSCI第一級的最高肯定。同時,本刊物更連續在2022年、2021年、2019年、2017年屢次獲得國家圖書館認定「臺灣最具影響力人社期刊」政治學門 社會影響力第一名的榮譽。


Airiti Library華藝線上圖書館;
Chinese Electronic Periodicals Services(CEPS)中文電子期刊服務;
Google Scholar

About this journal


The journal of Wenti Yu Yanjiu (問題與研究, issues and studies) is the leading journal of International Relations in the Chinese-speaking areas over the world. It is published quarterly by the Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, Taipei. Taiwan (ROC). Its purpose is to seek ways and means for theoretically interpreting international activities and development. Coverage includes international relations, international laws, international organizations, foreign policy, comparative politics, area studies, international political economy, and other issues related to international development.

Established in April 1956, the journal of Wenti Yu Yanjiu (問題與研究, issues and studies) is the oldest International Relations journal in the Chinese-speaking societies. As a project report for governmental decision-making by the Research Association of International Relations (國際關係研究會, Guoji guanxi yanjiuhui, founded in April 1953), a think-tank for the upper reaches of the government of Republic of China, the initial issue of the journal of Wenti Yu Yanjiu was not publically published. In autumn 1961, the Association was reformed into the Institute of International Relations of the Republic of China (中華民國國際關係研究所, Zhonghua minguo guoji guanxi yanjiusuo). Then in July 1975, it was then renamed as the Institute of International Relations (IIR, 國際關係研究中心, Guoji guanxi yanjiu zhongxin) until now. Hence, the volume 1, issue 1 of the journal was published in public on October 10th the National Day as monthly journal, in hope of gaining publicity and disseminate findings of international researches. Since then, the journal of Wenti Yu Yanjiu has published continuously in the form of monthly (Vol.1, 1961 - Vol.39, 2000), bimonthly (Vol. 40, 2001 - Vol. 45, 2006) and quarterly (Vol.46, 2007 - now).

Since January 2006, the journal of Wenti Yu Yanjiu has been selected in Taiwan Social Sciences Core Index (TSSCI, 臺灣社會科學引文索引). In 2020, the journal was evaluated as a first ranked (tier 1) TSSCI journal by the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences of Taiwan (RIHSS, 科技部人文社會科學研究中心). In the meantime, we have successively placed first in the politics section of the Most Influential Human Society Journal Award by the National Central Library of Taiwan in 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2024.

Abstracted and indexed in

TSSCI (Tier 1);
Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS)
Airiti Library;
Google Scholar
