In order to answer the question of how the cross-strait trade influence Taiwan’s housing prices, this study argues that two mechanisms mattered: first, the driving force of the market; and second, the financialization of real estate in corporations. I argue that the profitable environment of real estate was built by the government’s neoliberal policy from the 1990s due to Taiwan’s massive capital outflow to China. The environment attracted capital from cross-strait trade and resulted in many big corporations..
臺灣民眾自我防衛的決心,對於我國國防及東亞區域和平皆有重大影響。尤其是在面對可能的兩岸衝突狀況下,了解臺灣民眾的自我防衛意 願,與國家安全息息相關。然而,如何解釋臺灣民眾自我防衛決心的差異,在現存的國際關係文獻裡面的討論有限。我們認為,民眾在理性計算是否願意參戰時,過去的從軍經驗是心理上最直接仰賴的資訊,因此從軍經驗的好壞,理論上會影響民眾的自我防衛決心。本文把從軍經驗分成三個面向,包括軍種、覺得軍事訓練對上戰場的有用程度、以及從軍時與長官的相處狀況,並於2..
What explains Taiwanese citizens’ determination of self-defense? To date, few studies touch upon this issue. We argue that one’s military service experience is an important factor for studying citizens’ willingness to fight and hypothesize that positive experience could be conducive to higher willingness for self-defense as the citizens feel they have the capabilities and preparations for a conflict. We operationalize military service into three dimensions: military branch, evaluation of usefulness of milita..
As one of the distant water fishing nations (DWFNs) in the world, Taiwan is not able to participate in or access the works of many international organizations, including regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs), due to the fact that Taiwan’s statehood is not recognized by the United Nations and most States. The term “Fishing Entities” was created in the 1995 United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA), in which it has also opened a window of opportunity for Taiwan in the participation of internat..
克赤海峽為連接黑海與亞速海(Sea of Azov)的唯一通道,海峽通行權不管是對俄羅斯或烏克蘭或第三國都不曾發生重大問題,隨著2014年俄羅斯兼併克里米亞半島,2015年俄羅斯重啟克里米亞大橋建設後才衍生出通行權問題。然反觀臺灣海峽為連接東海與南海的海上交通要道,近來每當美國及他國軍艦通過臺灣海峽時,中國大陸軍艦即尾隨或驅離,對海峽通行權造成若干程度的影響,也提高了發生擦槍走火的可能性。2018年11月25日克赤海峽所發生的衝突事件對臺灣海峽通行權問題的啟..
The Kerch Strait connecting the Sea of Azov to the Black Sea is the only route in and out of the Sea of Azov. Passages through the strait had been free of major issues until 2014 when Russia occupied Crimea, pushing out Ukraine; thereby controlling both sides of the strait and began quickly constructing a bridge spanning the strait. In East Asia, there is the Taiwan Strait that connects the East China Sea to the South China Sea. Unlike the Kerch Strait, the Strait of Taiwan is a significant international sea route. Recently U..
自1990年代後,對外援助自傳統經濟援助逐漸轉變為建立國際合作發展之夥伴關係,惟在國際關係領域中尚未形成國際合作之完整理論體系。本研究以實證方式將我國援外計畫之成果與國際關係理論與實務進行對話與論證。 本研究透過自編結構式問卷與糧食不安全題組(Household Food Insecurity Access Scale, HFIAS)進行橫斷式調查,並採用準實驗設計(Quasi- Experimental Design)方法,分析我國援外計畫介入之成效。本研..
Since the 1990s, foreign aid has gradually transformed from traditional economic aid to the concept of international cooperation and development. However, a complete theoretical system of international cooperation has not yet been formed in the field of international relations. This study is based on scientific positivist perspectives to connect the theory and practice of international cooperation. The results show that irrigation conditions is the major factor for the yield per unit area of rice cultivation. Similarly, the r..
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