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搜尋結果 : 和"international cooperation"有關的資料, 共有3筆
臺灣援外計畫影響之實證評估: 以海地糧食安全計畫(2011∼2013)為例
An Empirical Evaluation of Taiwan’s Foreign Aid Projects: Case Study of a Food Security Development Project in Haiti (2011-2013)
曾晴婉(Ching-Wan Tseng) 鄭晏宗(Yan-Tzong Cheng) 曾筠凊(Yun-Ching Tseng)

自1990年代後,對外援助自傳統經濟援助逐漸轉變為建立國際合作發展之夥伴關係,惟在國際關係領域中尚未形成國際合作之完整理論體系。本研究以實證方式將我國援外計畫之成果與國際關係理論與實務進行對話與論證。   本研究透過自編結構式問卷與糧食不安全題組(Household Food Insecurity Access Scale, HFIAS)進行橫斷式調查,並採用準實驗設計(Quasi- Experimental Design)方法,分析我國援外計畫介入之成效。本研..

Since the 1990s, foreign aid has gradually transformed from traditional economic aid to the concept of international cooperation and development. However, a complete theoretical system of international cooperation has not yet been formed in the field of international relations. This study is based on scientific positivist perspectives to connect the theory and practice of international cooperation.   The results show that irrigation conditions is the major factor for the yield per unit area of rice cultivation. Similarly, the r..

An Evolution of International Cooperation Framework: Integrating a Process of Institutional Structure and Cognitive Transformation
沈燦宏(Tsan-Hung Shen)袁鶴齡(Hao-Lin Yuan)


In international relations, some theories explain international cooperation almost solely based on sovereign states and a presumed approach of rational choice. However, these hypotheses assume a state-actor, as a rational unit, will meet some unforeseen challenges, thus we need a non-state actor as another variable. Furthermore, an institutional structure of neo- realism’s and neo-liberalism’s hypothesis do not fully illustrate how international cooperation occurs in the real world. So we adopt both the cognitive ..
