The “scale of operations” of non-governmental organizations can be divided into either “international” or “domestic.” When dealing with problems in Myanmar, although international non-governmental organizations may hold advantages due to their professionalism and available resources; however, there are still situations where they may feel helpless and will need to rely on the help of other domestic non-governmental organizations or even form a collaborative alliance with them to carry out t..
台灣四大族群的比例,在過去有戶籍資料身分可供參考,而在民國 81 年之戶籍法新修正規定,除原住民身分與族別外,其他族群並不記載。因此族群間的明顯分界線一夕消失,然而四大族群仍然存在。 欲瞭解現今台灣四大族群間的人口比例,通婚情況是必要瞭解的問題。本研究發現,過去傳統以父親為主要認同的方式,正逐漸發生變化,而這與父母親輩之族群通婚有相當大的關係。尤其以目前台灣在社會政治上,皆以台灣優先為本位,而本省閩南族群又為優勢族群,因此只要與本省閩南..
There used to be household registration data on the percentage of the major four Taiwanese ethnic groups. However, based on the amended Household Registration Law in 1992, only indigenous people and their tribes are identified in the database. While the distinct categorization among the four groups blurred overnight, the four groups remain. In order to understand the population percentage among the four groups, it’s necessary to understand the inter-group marriage. In this research, it has found that the trad..
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