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搜尋結果 : 和" Society"有關的資料, 共有10筆
中國的多邊外交: 台灣學術社群研究之比較分析
China’s Multilateral Diplomacy: Researches of the Taiwanese academic society in comparative aspects
冷則剛(Tse-Kang Leng)賴潤瑤(Christina Lai)


The purposes of this study are to understand the approaches adopted by the Taiwanese scholars to research on China’s multilateral diplomacy, major characteristics of research results, and the linkages with the international academic society. The scope of analysis is limited to research publications after 2012. This paper first explores major theoretical concepts adopted by international and mainland Chinese academics on China’s multilateral diplomacy, followed by the analysis of research outputs on policy implementation and prac..

Studies in International Political Economy in Taiwan: Retrospect and Prospect
邱明斌(Eric M.P. Chiu)林宬葦(Cheng Wei Lin)


This paper attempts to provide an overview of Taiwan's International Political Economy (IPE) studies from 2010-2021. We collect the data from Taiwanese academic materials, including Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index (TSSCI) journals, Ministry of Science and Technology projects, theses and dissertations, and scholarly books. We rely on descriptive statistics analysis to present the distribution of research subjects and methods in each academic material. In addition, we also compare the analytical results of Taiwanese IPE studies with..

Reflection on the Theoretical Development of the Transnational Civil Politics Research
辛翠玲(Chuei-Ling Shin)

跨國公民政治是國關學界在過去三十多年間開啟的新研究領域。數十年下來,學界已累積一定研究經驗與成果。為使本研究課題能更進一步深入發展,實有必要統整迄今之研究發現,有系統地了解與整理學界於此議題的發展軌跡,以便釐清其中的特點、突破與不足。本文主要目的有二,分析近年來跨國政治研究的發展脈絡,進而討論至今跨國公民政治研究的發現與局限。 本研究認為,跨國公民政治研究,在研究方法上歷經多次的典範轉移,開啟不同的研究視角,不同階段的研究發現也使跨國公..

The field of transnational civil politics have been a rapidly developing research focus in the international relations scholarship, and impressive amounts of research findings have been published during the last few decades. It is essential to review and examine the systemic development of research in the academia. This paper aims to tackle the task by reviewing and analyzing the research path of transnational civil politics studies, hoping that the discussion will not only provide an overall historical analysis of the resear..

Globalization under the Dialectical Interactions between the Changing Ways of Production and Consumption
徐振國(Chen-Kuo Hsu)


Globalization has become a major research topic in the post-Cold War period. In the aspect of methodology, globalization includes the nature of dialectical logic. Accordingly, this article will present the four connected dialectical dimensions. First, with regards to the background of second Industrial Revolution, it will discuss the emergence of the Fordist way of production and its political-economic impacts. Then, in lines with Fordism, it will discuss the promotion of the practice of mass consumption to the theory of cons..
