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搜尋結果 : 和" International Relations Theory"有關的資料, 共有15筆
The New Materialism Turn in International Relations Theory: The Introduction and Commentary to Post-Anthropocentric International Relations
莫大華(Ta-hua Mo)

當前國際關係理論研究現正面臨著「物質轉向」、「物質主義轉向」、「新物質主義轉向」及「複雜轉向」的風潮,重新掀起國際關係理論的「心-物」、「心-身」、「社會世界-自然世界」、「行為主體性-結構」的爭論,乃至「人類中心-非人類中心」的新爭論。國際關係學者藉由「新物質主義」的哲學觀點提供了實用的哲學基礎而使國際關係或國際系統的本體論爭議迴避或拒絕二元對立觀點,呈現出新的「中間道路」(via media)吸納雙方觀點發展出「不只人類」的觀點,以及物質性也不是僅僅無生..

The field of international relations is facing the fashions of “material turn”, “materialism turn,” “new materialism turn,” and “complexity turn,” which re- raises the new debates of ideal-material, mind-body, social world-natural world, agency-structure, and anthropocentrism-nonanthropocentrism in international relations. With the New Materialism offering a practical philosophical founda- tion, the ontological debates of international relations or international systems could av..

An Analysis of Systemic Theorization of International System in International Relations Theory and Its Epistemological Speculation: The Reflection of Non-Equilibrium Systems Theory
郭雪真(Hsueh-Chen Kuo)

從 1950、60 年代受到政治學「行為主義革命」的影響,國際關係理論 開始嘗試建立科學的研究,「科學派」遂以「體系論」(system theory)進行 國際關係的理論化,國際關係的理論化也就成為國際體系的理論化。歷經 1960 年代只有少數國際關係學者關注國際體系理論的「相當低度發展的階 段」,1970 年代起逐漸有較多不同的學者都嘗試藉由其他學科(例如社會 學、生物學、控制學)學者的體系理論提出不同的「國際體系」理論化途 徑,1980 年代由新現實主義..

Following the behavioralism revolution of political science in the 1950– 60s, attempts for international relations(IR)theory to become scientific began with the theorization of IR through systems theory that engendered the theorization of international systems. Through an underdeveloped stage involved with only a few scholars in the 1960s, a contending stage with various approaches proposed in the 1970s, a dominated stage of neorealism in the 1980s, and to an opposite stage of constructivism and international historical..

Nicholas Onuf與Friedrich Kratochwil的社會理論、國際法與國際關係理論連結之比較分析
The Linkages of Social Theory, International Law and International Relations Theory: A Comparative Analysis of Nicholas Onuf and Friedrich Kratochwil
莫大華(Ta-Hua Mo)

要探究國際關係建構主義理論的學術貢獻與影響,實有必要回歸到其肇 始之初的系絡,即是 Nicholas Onuf 與 Friedrich Kratochwil 的學術生涯發展之 中,由於 Onuf 和 Kratochwil 所受的國際法與國際關係學術訓練,致使他們 致力於以社會理論連結國際關係理論與國際法。國際關係建構主義理論也就 是肇始於他們兩人的此連結當中,進而逐漸擴展成為國際關係重要的理論或 研究途徑。 本文的主旨在比較分析 Onu..

To explore contributions and influences of constructivism, we should trace back to the career developments of Nicholas Onuf and Friedrich Kratochwil. Due to their trainings of International Law ( IL ) and International Relations(IR), they have focused on linking IR and IL with constructivism as a social theory. Constructivism originated from this linkage and had become an important theory or approach in IR. This article comparatively explores the way of linking IR and IL with social theory(constructivism)in Onuf&rs..

The Development and Assessment of International Historical Sociology
郭雪真(Hsueh-Chen Kuo)


As a reminder for the domestic scholars in International Relations to acquaint to the International Historical Sociology(HIS), this paper aims at researching the development, reflections and prospects of IHS, while analyzing its strengths and future orientations. This paper presents a five-part analysis to reach these aims. The first part describes the popularity of IHS. Though more scholars have paid attentions to it in recent years, the trends in Taiwan have been opposite. This paper drafts a short review and call for Inter..

Exploring the Metatheoretical Debates in International Relations Theory: Reflections on the Scientific Processing in International Relations Discipline
莫大華(Ta-Hua Mo)

國際關係理論的第三次大辯論中,廣為人知的是(新)自由主義與 (新)現實主義的辯論,較少為人關注的是實證主義與後實證主義之間的後設理論爭論,以及因此引發的後設理論研究爭議。後實證主義質疑既有國際關係理論的本體與知識基礎,更使國際關係學者質疑到底後設理論研究是否有助於國際關係理論與實務的研究。後實證主義關注的是後設理論層次而非實質理論層次,後設理論是(國際關係)理論的理論(a theory of theory)或是有關(國際關係)理論的理論(a theory a..

In the third Great Debate in International Relations, the debate between (Neo)Realism and(Neo)Liberalism has been well known; whereas the metatheoretical debate between Positivism and Postpositivism have been ignored. Postpositivism questioned the ontological and epistemological foundations of the established International Relations theory. It has caused the scholars to wonder whether metatheoretical researches exert positive incluences on theories and practices of International Relations. Postpositivism is concerned with the..
