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搜尋結果 : 和"國際原子能總署"有關的資料, 共有2筆
International Law-Making Trends on Peaceful Usage of Nuclear Energy-Practice and Influence of IAEA Multilateral Nuclear Fuel Cycle Advocacy
曾雅真(Yea-Jen Tseng)

國際原子能總署(IAEA)所倡議之核燃料多邊化方案,試圖透過多邊化機制,設立 IAEA 核燃料銀行,集中全球核燃料的生產、供應與銷售,從而避免各國在製造和平使用目的核燃料的保護傘下,研發並製作核武級原料,增加核武擴散之風險。IAEA 核燃料循環多邊化倡議之發展,涉及一國能否取得民用核燃料之供應保證,擁有核濃縮與再處理權利,以及擁有再處理技術會否遭遇國際制約的問題。該等倡議一旦成形,即可能開啟核條約課予第三國義務之濫觴,並衝擊 NPT 締約國和平使用核能之權益..

The nuclear fuel multilateral program promoted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) attempts to use multilateral mechanisms to establish the IAEA Nuclear Fuel Bank, in order to concentrate the worldwide production, supply and sale of nuclear fuel. The purpose of the program is to prevent countries from, under the guise of producing nuclear fuel for peaceful aims, to research, develop and manufacture weapon-grade nuclear raw materials, which increases the risk of nuclear proliferation. The development of IAEA multi..
