The purposes of this study are to understand the approaches adopted by the Taiwanese scholars to research on China’s multilateral diplomacy, major characteristics of research results, and the linkages with the international academic society. The scope of analysis is limited to research publications after 2012. This paper first explores major theoretical concepts adopted by international and mainland Chinese academics on China’s multilateral diplomacy, followed by the analysis of research outputs on policy implementation and prac..
Global warming has changed geopolitics of the Arctic and prompted China to participate in the Arctic affairs. The Arctic offers many opportunities for China. First, it shortens the shipping distances to European and North American ports in order to increase trade competitiveness. Second, it develops different kinds of harbor economy and improve economic structures in the northeast of China. Third, it is able to acquire rich natural resources in the Arctic. Fourth, the Arctic can ameliorate China’s security problems, suc..
自一帶一路倡議提出以來,中國藉以外交政策與經濟治略的雙重政策,在周邊區域深植影響力。位於周邊的國家大量接收來自北京的經濟挹注與開發援助,大多正面回應中國提供的誘因。然而,政府之間的合作成果,卻在民間社會上形成看法不一的情況,對中國一帶一路下基礎建設的反饋程度也不盡相同。本文以越南平順省(Tỉnh Bình Thuận)永新電力中心(Trung tâm nhiệt điện Vĩnh Tân)為例,審視各電廠所造成的環境汙染、經濟生計、健康 問..
Since the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)was launched in 2013, China has adopted a variety of diplomatic and economic policies to enhance its political influence in the world. Among those policies were offering multi- billion-dollar infrastructure and investment deals across Southeast Asia, which were received positively and enthusiastically by the majority of the Southeast Asian governments. Yet, a row between supporters and opponents toward BRI of the civil society in these countries remains unsolved. To elaborate on this row..
2017 年 6 月 18 日起,中印在洞朗地區(Doklam)對峙近兩月,造成中印邊界情況一時緊張,雖然兩方最後是在金磚五國峰會進行數日前解除對峙狀況,但是洞朗地區依然是餘波盪漾,兩方軍隊也並未撤軍,反而繼續在洞朗地區駐紮。洞朗事件爭論的焦點,表面雖然事涉洞朗的主權,但是深一層的原因可能是印度更擔心中方的修路行動將對印度的東北部,包括阿魯那恰爾邦(藏南地區),產生戰略威脅。洞朗事件後,中印在邊界的互動模式將有所改變,而邊界氣氛緊張,也影響邊界談判,雙方雖在..
A military standoff lasted for over two months in Doklam between China and India since mid-June 2017, causing tension at the border. Although eventually the two sides disengaged days before the BRICS Summit in Xiamen, tension and speculations lingered in Doklam and troops are seen stationed in the area even in winter. The incident originates from the sovereignty dispute of Doklam, but at a deeper level, India has been concerned that China’s road construction in the area would cause strategic threats to the northeast, in..
英國脫離歐盟的公投意外地以過半(52%)比例通過,此舉不僅會重塑英國在世界上的位置,亦將深遠和持續影響其國內政治與經濟發展。在經濟上,公投結果已造成英鎊匯率持續下跌、商業活動減少、投資下滑與就業機會消失,尤其嚴重衝擊英國金融業。失去歐盟會員資格的情況下,倫敦金融中心恐難再維持歐元交易中心的領導地位。在政治上,如何在主張脫歐的民意與要求留歐的蘇格蘭和北愛爾蘭兩者間取得平衡,成為主政者維持聯合王國完整的最迫切挑戰。本文認為,以 1985 格陵蘭脫離歐盟為例,一國..
The UK referendum on Brexit was passed unexpectedly by a 52% majority. This result will not only reshape the UK’s place in the world but also has profound and enduring impact on the UK politics and economy. Economically, the Brexit result has caused continuing devaluation of UK sterling and declines in contracts, investment and employment. The UK financial service sectors have been affected the most. It is difficult for the City of London to maintain its position as the leading financial center of the euro without the U..
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