Over the past decade, terrorist activities in Southeast Asia have increasingly posed great threat upon regional security. By developing international networks, terrorist organizations can effectively launch operation across borders and deliver massive terror to societies concerned. Unlike traditional security threats to states, threats of terrorist organizations are characterized by its vast complexity and scope of activities. Not only do terrorists conduct violent attacks to communities targeted, but also carry out money lau..
國際關係理論逐漸呈現以理論綜合的方式進行國際關係研究,國際規範研究是其中的重要議題之一,本文嘗試從國際規範的生命週期開始,運用「國際規範社群下的策略行動」(strategic actions in a international norm community),以理性主義(策略行為)與建構主義(規範行為)理論綜合的策略與研究途徑分析美國「防止擴散安全提議」,探索此國際規範的興起、擴展、內化與侵蝕階段時期中,不同國家的行為動機,藉以呈現說明理論綜合能提供不同面向的相互補充解釋。
The international norm is one of the major topics in international relations research, of which synthesized approach is gradually becoming a trend. This paper attempts to adopt Frank Schimmelfennig's approach- the strategic actions in an international norm community- to synthesize the theories of rationalism and constructivism in the international norm circle. As the case, the Proliferation Security Initiative will be analyzed through different phases of emergence of the life circle-cascade, diffusion, internalization, and erosion- to u..
歐洲統合的進程在經濟、文化與推動西方普世價值方面已使得歐洲聯盟成為一個全球「公民強權」的角色,但是是否藉此轉化成為一個「軍事強權」,仍然是歐盟各會員國爭論的焦點。從馬斯垂克條約將「共同外交與安全政策」納入歐盟決策的三大支柱之一後,歐盟在外交與安全政策的合作才開始具備法律的基礎。但是一九九0年代發生於歐洲本身的區域衝突,凸顯歐盟在解決歐洲本身軍事爭端時的無力感。在一九九0年代末期發展出的「歐洲安全與防衛政策」即著眼於歐盟自主軍事力量的整合與強化,以期因應未來可能發生的區域與國際衝突。 ..
The process of the European integration in economic, cultural and universalising Western values in the past half century has reinforced EU's role as a global “civilian power”. The 1992 Maastricht Treaty founded a “Common Foreign and Security Policy ”, as one of the three pillars of EU, providing c0operation of foreign and security policies among member states with a legal basis. Nevertheless, regional conflicts in Europe of hte 90s only demonstrated that EU was not yet capable of solving military conflicts in its..
中共於1971年10月25日取得聯合國之中國席次。本文探討中共自1971年參與聯合國至2005年為止,其在安理會的投票行為。本文除了介紹安理會之投票規定之外,重點在於探討影響中共投票的因素,藉以瞭解中共外交在這一時期的變化。本文將中共此一時期的投票分為三個階段,第一階段從1971至1981年,此一時期中共對聯合國採取消極、相對不合作態度; 第二階段從1982至1989年,中共對聯合國表現高度合作立場;; 第三階段是從1990年至2005年,中共採取選擇性支持策略,對涉及人權、具干涉內政意..
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