This paper investigates the diverse approaches of EU members’ integration with the EU through modeling, and assesses the applicability of each model to the Taiwan-China relations. Building upon two variables – ‘the association with national identity and reorientation’, and ‘being the leading or founding member’ – four EU members’ integrative models stand out. The German model is proven to be the most integrationist, followed by the Finnish and the French models. The UK model app..
2005 年 5 月和 6 月法國與荷蘭分別公投否決歐洲憲法後,制憲運動和歐洲統合頓時陷入危機,要等到 2007 年 1 月德國接任歐盟輪值主席國,同年 5 月法國總統大選結束後,歐盟 27 國領袖才在 6 月柏林高峰會上達成協議,召開政府間會議,10 月里斯本高峰會通過新約,然後於 12 月正式簽署。 2009 年 10 月 2 日愛爾蘭二次公投通過里斯本條約後,歐盟 27 國已完成里斯本條約的批准程序,僅待愛爾蘭、捷克、波蘭和德國將批准書存放至義大利外交..
The European integration as well as the EU Constitution-Building was in an impasse in the aftermath of the negative results of the French and Dutch referenda in mid 2005. It was not until the new German government under the leadership of Angela Merkel assumed the EU presidency in January 2007 and the French elected a new President in May of the same year that EU and its member states began working effectively to find a solution to put an end to this crisis. The Berlin European Council in June 2007 finally adopted the compromi..
歐盟於 1968 年成立一個糖共同行銷組織,在價格體系下,針對糖採取國內補貼與出口補貼。補貼額度超過歐盟 1995 年減讓承諾的補貼金額與出口數量,影響到澳洲、巴西與泰國糖的出口利益,而向 WTO 提起控訴。本案顯示補貼問題的複雜性,尤其很多國家透過國內補貼,而對出口產品實施交叉補貼,形成變相的出口補貼,這是本案的主要爭議。歐盟糖出口補貼被認定為違反 WTO 農業協定相關規定,因此影響到澳洲、巴西與泰國糖合法利益。本案對於歐盟糖體系的改革、WTO 杜哈發展議..
The European Union (EU) established a Common Organization for sugar in 1968, and accordingly applied subsidies to sugar under the price support system. However, the EU has been providing export subsidies in excess of its budgetary outlay and quantity commitment levels specified in the Schedule of 1995, thereby nullifying or impairing benefits expected to accrue to Australia, Brazil and Thailand under the Agreement on Agriculture. This case demonstrates the complexity of subsidies, in particular as more and more WTO members ap..
歐洲聯盟 2004 年 5 月以及 2007 年 1 月的東擴之舉係 1950 年代以來歐洲統合過程中重要的發展過程。這不僅是使得中東歐地區國家加入歐盟,更重要的意義在於將不同地區文化與結構透過改革的轉軌過程中融入了歐盟的價值。因此,在歐盟未來的主要擴大議程中也包含了土耳其、克羅埃西亞以及西巴爾半島地區國家。對於歐盟而言,加強並保障有關區域和平、穩定、 繁榮、民主、人權以及歐洲法治的理念價值是相當重要的。 對土耳其而言,與歐盟的關係已歷..
The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union in the year of 2004 and 2007 is one of the most significant developments in the process of European Integration since the 1950s. And with Turkey and the Western Balkan States, enlargement will continue to be one of the major issues on the political agendas. More recently, the EU has inspired tremendous reforms in Turkey, Croatia and the Western Balkans. It is vitally important for the EU to ensure a carefully managed enlargement process that extends peace, stability, prosperity, d..
2004 年及 2007 年歐盟兩次東擴後已有 27 個會員國,但目前仍有許多國家期望未來可以加入歐盟。對歐盟來說,繼續擴大歐洲穩定與民主區有助於歐洲大陸局勢之穩定,然其負面效應則是過多會員國可能有礙於更深層次的整合與有限資源應如何有效分配等問題。因此,歐盟對其鄰近國家採取一系列相關政策來整合目前歐盟與這些地區之互動,其主要政策工具即是歐盟睦鄰政策之推行,本文試圖釐清歐盟睦鄰政策初步實踐之效果。作者認為,睦鄰政策做為歐盟外交政策工具之一,其主要核心目標在於提..
There are 27 member states within the European Union after enlargements of 2004 and 2007; many others are still trying to join the EU recently. The inclusion of more states is conducive to the expansion of stability zone in the European continent but it will be at the cost of closer EU integration and resource distribution. The European Neighbourhood Policy is designed for enhanced cooperation after the fifth enlargement between EU and its partner countries and this article tries to explore the innate nature of policy goals a..
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