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搜尋結果 : 和" International Relations"有關的資料, 共有41筆
Genealogy of the China Studies Agenda-In the Case of Journal Publications of the Japan Association of International Relations (JAIR)
邵軒磊(Hsuan-Lei Shao)

近年臺灣學界常有對「中國研究」方法與議程的改進呼聲,本文試圖介紹日本國關學界的中國研究,提供本土中國研究及發展之參考點。本文主要 討論「中國研究」在學科定位與學科史上,以什麼樣的方式演變?而在日本國際關係的主要社群中,「中國研究議程」呈現什麼樣的特色?本文以「日本國際政治學會」所編輯刊物國際政治為核心,對其中的中國研究相關論文加以分析並歸類。時間範圍是 1957-2008 年,討論二戰結束後,日本國際政治學界對於中國的研究方法、研究觀點、主要研究成果之系譜。..

Currently, there has been an increasing voice to reconsider the methodology and agenda of “China studies” within the Taiwanese academic community. With this respect, this paper introduces the China studies achieved by the Japanese academic community to support the developmental basis of China studies in Taiwan. Two questions lead the argument in this paper:(1)what is the transformation of the contemporary China studies in the Japanese international relations(IR)community? and(2)what characteristics are presented f..

Terrorism and Ontological Security: Implications of the 2005 London Terrorist Bombings
張登及(Teng-Chi Chang)

自 90 年代中期以來,學界對於恐怖主義的研究正日益深化,反恐措施也推陳出新。不過,恐怖主義攻擊卻未因此減少,反而從過去盛行的中東地區和發展中國家蔓延到威權的前蘇聯各國以及已開發國家。參與者也從過去的反殖民建國訴求者,擴大為宗教和其他激進運動的獻身者;手段上更普遍地採取自殺攻擊,而不在乎組織形象聲名狼藉和人員的損失。似乎強大的國家,其安全與反擊措施越嚴厲,越激發攻擊者的鬥志。這種「越挫越奮」的異常現象,對傳統的國關理論構成了不小的挑戰。 ..

National security is traditionally comprehended in terms of the rationalist approach, of which the physical boundaries and the static “Self” of nation states are taken for granted. The concept of “security dilemma” is accordingly understood as the conflicting tendency between nations in the process of defense build-up. However, this article argues that another type of “security dilemma” should not be ignored: the more the units increase its physical capabilities, the less secure they are, d..

The Certainty within Uncertainty, the Non-Passing of Time within the Passing of Time-Essay About the Overcoming of the Theory of International Relations during the Cold War Period by Raymond Aron
閻嘯平(Hsiao-Ping Yen)

儘管阿弘認為自己的國際政治理論只適用於冷戰時期,但基於 20 世紀中葉以來日益強調不確定性的科學走向,並參照摩根索、瓦爾茲等人對科學概念的理解,今天似乎可以從三個知識論層級看出他的理論並沒有過時的問題:第一、在元理論層次,他以一系列的二律背反和特殊符碼,點明了許多不確定性的問題;第二、在元結構層次,他透過社會學與歷史學的方法論,將當事人與政治實體推出更嚴謹的二項式互動結構;第三、在實踐學層次,他對一系列外交行為提出二律背反的探索,從而不但超越了精確科學在確定..

It is with regards of the importance of the uncertainty for the current scientific philosophy that we want to interpret the theory of the international relations of the Cold War by Raymond Aron, using the comprehension which is concerned with the scientific conceptions of Mogenthau, Waltz, and others; and we want to verify not only that this theory keeps a sort of efficiency until today, but also that Aron has found some theories about the uncertainty on a higher level. We first want to show, in the field of metathe..

Significance and Modeling of Levels-of-Analysis in International Relations Studies
宋學文(Hseik-Wen Soong)

有關於層次分析(levels-of-analysis)的研究早於第二次世界大戰以來即受到西方學者相當之注重,但國內相關之研究仍未重視層次分析之研究途徑,亦很少有研究著作涉及層次分析之研究架構。近年來隨著「建構主義」 在國際關係理論上愈受重視,開展相互主觀、研究「結構/體系」與「單元 /能動者」之動態互動關係,並提及跨層分析的重要性,可惜建構主義學者亦未能將層次分析之相關理論做系統性之整理或推導成分析模型。針對此,本文將傳統國際關係理論及建構主義涉及層次分析的..

Levels-of-analysis has been one of most important IR theory in the West since World War II, but still waiting to be explored in Taiwan. With the rises of constructivism emphasizing the concept of intersubjectivity, exploring the relations between structure and agency, and reverting the significance of cross-levels analysis, researchers are forced to recall levels-of-analysis approach. However, there is still a pity that constructivism did not offer a modeling analytical framework for the studies of levels-of-analysis. Therefo..
