法國第五共和體制向為半總統制的主要原型典範,並為穩定半總統制的代表,但法國各界對此一制度設計一直有著許多爭論與修改意見。2007 年法國總統大選前,各主要政黨候選人紛紛提出「第六共和」(la VIe République)的憲政倡議。法國新任總統薩科奇(Nicolas Sarkozy)於 2008 年進行自 1958 年第五共和以來最大規模的一次修憲。修憲主要方向同時強化總統與國會的權力,在總統權力部分修憲後強化總統的國會咨文權,形同間接賦予總統的行政優勢..
The French Fifth Republic (la Ve République) is not only the prototype of semi-presidentialism but also the typical model of “stable semi- presidentialism,” of which the French political circle and academia have never stopped their criticism over the design of the French Fifth Republic and have consistently expressed their opinions of modification. Even before the 2007 French presidential election, most of the major parties simultaneously advocated a new constitutional engineering plans of “la VIe Républiq..
在戰後日本民主憲政史上,2005 年舉辦的第 44 屆日本眾院議員選舉深受各界重視,特別是因為該屆選舉,是日本政治史上首度因重大政策遭國會否決,內閣首相逕予交付民意定奪的一項公民複決選舉。當時自民黨的執政內閣能否在改選中贏取民心,亦或由民主黨等在野黨派來更迭政權,不僅攸關小泉純一郎首相政治生命與改革路線的延續,更牽動日本未來政經局勢的發展走向,其重要性確實不容小覷。 有別於過往研究囿限於宏觀層次或質化的研究途徑,本文嘗試根據日本選舉研究..
The 44th Japanese House election in 2005 has played a significant role in its post-war democratic history and also drove a lot of attention in the academics. The importance of this election, regarded as the national referendum for the postal reform, relies on the fact that it is the first time the House is dismissed because of unsolved policy gridlock. The consequence of the election not only results in the destine of LDP coalition government and the political career of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, but also the developme..
民眾政治態度的研究中,政治信任感一直是學者關注的重要主題。本研究以 2004 年總統選舉期間,民眾政治信任感的變化為重點,分析發生在本次總統選舉的「三一九槍擊案」,是否會對於民眾政治信任感產生影響。民眾對選舉過程的程序公正性評估,是否會影響民眾的政治信任感,也是本研究分析的重點。 本研究運用政治大學選舉研究中心在 2004 年選舉前後所進行的定群追蹤研究資料以及在選後執行的訪問資料進行分析,結果發現:民眾在選舉前後,其政治信任感並未產生..
Political trust is an important topic in the field of political attitude research. The focus of this paper is on the changes and continuity in the level of political trust during the 2004 presidential election in Taiwan. We examine the impacts that the controversial March 19 shooting attempt had on political trust. We also explore whether or not evaluations of the procedural fairness of the presidential campaign affect political trust. This study employs panel data collected before and after the 2004 presidential e..
尼加拉瓜前軍事將領Daniel Ortega,以38%得票率於2006年總統選舉獲勝當選。選後,許多分析家將Ortega勝選歸結為2000年選舉法及右派候選人分裂,而本文旨在利用尼國最高選舉委員會公布的選舉結果,重新檢視促成Ortega當選的這兩項原因之影響力。在交叉分析尼國選舉結果後,筆者發現勢均力敵的右派政黨候選人競爭形勢,使Ortega得以首輪當選。
Nicaragua's former military leader, Daniel Ortega, has won the 2006 presidential election with 38 percent of the vote in the first round. Some Analysts have argued after the election that there were two main factors - the 2000 election law and the division among the two rightwing candidates - that led to Daniel Ortega's victory. In this paper, the author aims to reexamine the influences of those two factors by using the election result released by the Nicaragua Supreme Electoral Council (CSE). In conclusion, the author fin..
在調查資料的累積下,研究者可運用計量方法來進行以「比較問題」為目的之實證研究。在問題取向上除了針對特定主題進行跨年度的比較外,學者也關注不同國家或區域的比較研究,也可依理論設定,對特定標的從事比較問題設定。 本文的目的在於從方法論出發,探討從事計量研究時所應關切的比較問題邏輯。首先,作者說明比較研究的問題本質,並提出比較單元與分析單位異同時的不同研究架構;接著進一步討論在比較的架構下,如何運用適當計量模型設定方式,方能對於比較問題提出直..
In recent years, it is possible that researchers apply quantitative method to comparative inquiries by the accumulation of cross-sectional survey data. Accordingly, some political scientists start to explore and study comparative inquiries tested by pooled cross sectional data, sorted by the units such as time, countries and some specific subjects guided through theoretical postulates. This paper is concerned about the logic and application of quantitative research methodologically, especially in comparative inquir..
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