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搜尋結果 : 和"改革"有關的資料, 共有98筆
The Study of the Nucleus of the Japanese Administration Reform-Consolidation of Prime Minister's Leadership
吳明上(Ming-Shan Wu)

行政改革是當前民主國家發展的趨勢,在追求績效、提升統治能力之際,行政改革有其必要性。日本以行政改革手段提升政治家的政策能力,特別是強化政治領導者首相的領導權作法,與 1980 年代以來進行政改革的國家相較,最為特殊且引人入勝。 對於日本行政改革的既有研究大致將焦點置於以下三點:一為從新自由主義的觀點,討論「小政府」的時代趨勢,二為中央省廳的大幅縮編以及衍生的效果與影響,三是討論首相輔佐機關的強化。然而卻少觸及強化政治家的政策能力,甚至是..

To build an efficient and active government, most democracies are practicing administration reform for their necessities and inevitabilities. Comparing with the democracies which reformed since 1980s, Japan is the most absorbing one that makes use of administration reform as a way of consolidation of prime minister's leadership. The current researches are focused on these three dimensions: first, the trend of “small government” from the neo-liberalism perspective; second, the effect of agencies redu..

The Political Economy of Japan's Financial Changes: When the Developmental State is No Longer Developing
林文斌(Wen-Pin Lin)

日本戰後形成的發展型國家體制被視為是1990 年代「失落十年」的元兇,日本政府因此採取了眾多政治與經濟上的構造改革。本文檢視日本發展型國家體制中兩個促成日本經濟成長的重要制度如何因改革而發生變化:一是力量強大的大藏省用來保護金融界的「護送船團」金融監理制度,二是傳統上金融界相互分擔分險、銀行和企業間特殊溝通管道而形成的「主要經辦銀行制度」。不少學者認為日本發展型國家已經轉型為英美式的監理型國家,但本文發現,雖然改革後的金融監理制度可說趨向監理型國家,「主要經..

The developmental state built after WWII has been blamed for Japan’s “lost decade” of the 1990s. The Japanese government takes a lot of structure reforms in politics and economics. This article examines how the two- important traditional structures of Japanese developmental state that were named as the engines of postwar economic successes were transformed by reforms. The first is so called “convoy system” financial regulation: the powerful ministry Okurasho with this system protected the financi..

The Territorial Reform at the Level of Local Government in Germany-An Inspiration for Taiwan
劉明德(Ming-Te Liu)趙永茂(Yung-Mau Chao)

德國地方政府的行政區域重劃源自十九世紀末,甚至更早以前,不過,實施的範圍有限,而且主要集中在工業發達的魯爾區(Ruhrgebiet)。一直到 1960 年代因為社會變遷、經濟蓬勃發展,機動性的提高,人民對地方政府的要求不斷提高,而地方政府卻因為規模太小、行政能力薄弱,難以滿足人民的需求。而另一方面,由於地方自治的實質內容減少,地方自治的意義不斷被質疑,於是為了強化地方政府的治理能力、提升地方政府的行政能力和效率以及落實地方自治的精神,德國各邦政府從 1960..

The territorial reform in Germany at the local government level began in the end of the 19th century or even earlier. But the scale and the scope of its implementation was very limited and happened in the majority of cases in the Ruhr area. During the 1960s, the social situation had changed greatly, the economy boomed, and the mobility increased; the demand of people for local government had gradually enhanced on the one hand, but the real substance of self-administration had evidently reduced, so that the meaning of self- ad..

Exploration of the Duverger's Psychological Effect on Electoral Transition: The Experience of the Electoral Reform in Japan
王鼎銘(Ding-Ming Wang)郭銘峰(Ming-Feng Kuo)黃紀(Chi Huang)

選舉制度的設計,不僅攸關各國政黨體制的運作與國家政府體制的鞏固,甚至對政府執政領導人事的更迭、政策制定的變遷,均有深刻的影響。對選民投票行為來說,更會因不同選制結構而展現出不同的決策思維。因此選制的相關規範設計,無疑是形塑先進民主國家政治體制運作的基礎,而選制變革過程中所產生的政治效應,更值得學界深入進行評估與檢驗。 本文根據日本選舉研究(JES)所彙整的定群追蹤調查,針對九零年代日本新舊選制的轉換過程,探析選民對政黨支持偏好的動態過程..

Electoral system is imperative to define the party system in a country. It also helps to consolidate the political regime, to formulate public policies, and to alternate government leaders in the office. From the constituent’s point of view, different electoral rules influence the behaviors and the way of voting as well. It is therefore without question that the electoral system is essential to regulate political systems in any democracy. This paper, based on the panel data collected from the Japanese Electio..

The Rationing of Healthcare Resources in the UK and Its Implications on Taiwan
李卓倫(Jwo-Leun Lee)

本文擬由英國的經驗來探討台灣的醫療資源配給問題,期能藉此對台灣現階段的資源配給議題提出具體的建議。本文所指的英國經驗,包括英國政府或民間所實施的實務經驗,以及英國本土學者所進行的理念論戰,因為實務與理論對於台灣的具體政策建議具有同等重要性。 本文分為四個段落,第一個段落先就名詞作界定,並陳述資源配給的層級與型式,以作為討論的基礎。第二段探討資源配給的若干原則,包括以需要為基礎的效率、公平和可行性三個原則的取捨,區分決策層級的配給原則,以及說明配給過程中應由資訊亦或機構取得優先地位..

This article aims to explore the experience of rationing of healthcare resources in the UK, and its implications for the healthcare system reform in Taiwan. The UK experience of rationing mentioned in this article includes the practical policy or clinical issues faced by the UK government, as well as the theoretical or conceptual debates among researchers in the UK. It is revealed that the practical and theoretical issues have equivalent impact on the policy implications for healthcare rationing in Taiwan. Four sections are presented. T..
