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搜尋結果 : 和" the EU"有關的資料, 共有54筆
The Interaction of Political Economy between the EU and Central America: Analysis from Transregional Level
卓忠宏(Chung-Hung Cho)

近年來,歐盟逐漸修正對外貿易政策轉向與第三國及區域組織談判簽署「區域貿易協定」的結盟方式。歐盟與中美洲自由貿易協定就是以「區域對區域」的方式推動而發展出「跨區域」與「區域間」主義的走向。這種跨區域與區域間關係的建構不僅在區域內部,同時在跨區域聯繫上呈現出制度化發展的趨勢。 文章嘗試從跨區域層次解讀歐盟與中美洲(包括哥斯大黎加、薩爾瓦多、瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、巴拿馬 6 國)兩區域之間的政經互 動。文章架構分成六部分:除前言外,其..

The European Union has recently shifted to a trade policy that envisages a greater use of the Regional Trade Agreements(RTAs)with all partners. The EU is pursuing the RTAs with Central America through a pattern of “region to region” to form the basis of negotiations, which is implying a certain degree of inter-and trans-regionalism characteristics. The development of inter-and trans-regional relations reflects a general trend of institutionalization of relations not only within but also across regions. This articl..

Unfolding the European Sovereign Debt Crisis
羅至美(Chih-Mei Luo)


The European sovereign debt crisis emerged from a few euro members being stuck with high-deficits and high-indebtedness, and thus is oversimplified to be referred to as the euro debt crisis. It, in fact, consists of several individual crises with different causes. The Greek crisis was a governance crisis that lacks of fiscal disciple by nature; the Irish and Spanish crises were the bubble crisis of the property sector and banking crisis caused by the US sub-prime crisis; the Italian and Portuguese crises involve more structur..
