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搜尋結果 : 和"社會"有關的資料, 共有95筆
安地斯國家替代發展之研究: 秘魯、委內瑞拉與厄瓜多的比較
Alternative Developments in the Andes Countries: Peru, Venezuela and Ecuador Comparison
黃富娟 (Fu-Chuan Huang)

自華盛頓共識以降,拉美國家落實新自由主義政策與結構調整,卻無力解決根深蒂固的貧窮與社會不均問題。進入後華盛頓共識時代,懸而未解的發展難題催促拉美國家繼續尋求替代發展的道路,並促成二十一世紀前十八年南美洲興起一波反新自由主義的左派政權,又稱「粉紅色浪潮」。這波趨勢的共同性在於:都試圖解決獨尊市場經濟遺留的社會不公與貧窮問題,並尋求一個兼顧經濟成長與更合理社會分配的替代發展方案。 事實上,拉美替代發展方案經常是「價值理性」取向的,政治領袖又深..

In the post-Washington Consensus era, the pending social inequality and poverty have pushed South American New Left governments to seek “alternative developments” in the dawn of the 21st century, which is the so-called “Pink tide.” These governments’ motive is to seek an alternative development plan to address the social injustice and poverty left by market economy under the neoliberal model. In fact, the common feature of this alternative development trend is characterized by a strong..

Brexit and Its Implications for European Integration
羅至美(Chih-Mei Luo)

在歐盟慶祝羅馬條約 60 週年前夕,歐洲統合面臨了英國公民投票決定脫離歐盟的震撼。英國脫歐究竟對歐洲統合產生何種意涵?是歐盟內部一持續爭辯中的議題。本文的目的在回答以下的研究問題:英國脫歐對歐洲統合產生何種意涵?公投出現脫歐的結果對歐盟傳遞出何種訊息?歐盟領袖是否正確解讀了這些訊息與意涵並給予正確的政策回應?經檢視對立性的論點之後,本文認為在公投中所顯示出的多項特質──不同社經階級所呈現出對立性的分裂投票-凸顯了必須正視經濟不公與分配不正義的急迫性與必要性。..

On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Rome Treaty, European integration had suffered a setback with the U.K.’s decision to withdraw from the EU(Brexit). The implications for European integration are heavily contended in EU politics, but these are far from clear and will require further investigation. This paper attempts to explore the implications of Brexit for European integration. What messages does the U.K. referendum have for the EU? Have EU leaders interpreted these messages and implications and ..

Obstacles and Challenges of International Norms Diffusion: A Case Study of Taiwan's Acceptance of IAEA's Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
曾雅真(Yea-Jen Tseng)

探究國際規範擴散,是解析國際社會規範塑造國家偏好、利益與行為,以及探索國際社會共享知識文化構成的重要課題。現有國際規範擴散的研究成果,多以人權作為研究案例,偏重國際組織、非政府組織與知識社群的作用,但是亦遭遇線性思考的批評,難以解釋國家為何不遵從的盲點。 檢視臺灣轉換 IAEA 用過核燃料暨放射性廢物管理安全聯合公約的歷程,可以發現國際組織與非政府組織的作用十分薄弱,而享有專業科學知識的政府組織,僅看重科學技術在核安全事務扮演的有限角色..

International norms diffusion is an important issue by which we explore how the international social norms have shaped national preferences, interests, and behaviors, as well as the constitution of shared knowledge in the international community. Taking largely from human rights case studies, existing findings on international norms diffusion have mainly suffered from linear thinking and difficulties in explaining noncompliance of international norms. Analyzing the transfer of the Joint Convention on the Safety of ..

Learning and Application of Social Capital: An Examination of CPP’s Experience
翁俊桔(Chun-Chieh Weng)宋鎮照(Jenn-Jaw Soong)

長期困擾菲律賓內部安定的菲律賓共產黨(菲共),似乎是目前世界各恐怖組織的異數。因為菲共雖然面臨資源匱乏和策略工具失靈的困境,而數度瀕臨瓦解。不過,由於組織紀律嚴謹、戰略目標明確、意識形態完備加上能夠快速地調整形態,使得該組織仍得以續存迄今。 然而,就菲共的發展歷程、組織結構和治理經驗來觀察,可以發現如何汲取和運用社會資本似乎就成為菲共尋求生存發展的主要策略,因此社會資本與菲共的關聯性研究,也就成為本文亟待論證和剖析的命題所在。 ..

The Communist Party of the Philippines, CPP, has threatened domestic stability of the Philippines for a long time. CPP has been regarded as a deviant case of terrorist organizations in the world. Facing resource scarcity, strategic failure, and looming collapse, CPP retained unambiguous strategic targets, a strong ideology, and functioned under strict discipline. Its survival has been attributed to its efficient application of social capital. Thus, in this paper, we undertake an important task closely analyze CPP’s developmental proce..

An Analysis on "International Systems" in International Historical Sociology
郭雪真(Hsueh-Chen Kuo)

國際系統的理論化是國際關係理論發展的關鍵階段之一,甚至有學者認為國際關係理論研究如同是(國際)系統理論化的傳統。國際關係學者從 1950、60 年代開始進行國際系統的理論化,嘗試建立科學研究的國際系統理論,不同的學者都嘗試藉由其他學科學者的系統理論(systems theory)提出不同的國際系統理論化途徑。國際關係歷史社會學學者歷經三階段的國際系統理論化途徑,第一階段引述歷史社會學學者的國際系統觀點,作為其國際系統理論化及批判新現實主義國際系統理論化的主張..

Theorization of the “international systems” is a critical stage in the development of International Relations Theory(IRT). Some IR scholars even thought that IRT is a tradition of(international)systems-theorization. Since the 1950s and 1960s, IR scholars began to theorize the “international systems” and build a scientific study on international systems theories. Many scholars tried to propose approaches in theorizing the “international systems” through system theories from other disciplines..
