在議會內閣制下,聯合政府內部的跨黨派委任關係帶來了代理問題,而許多學者也同意,政治制度是解決此一代理問題的重要關鍵。簡單的說,參與聯合政府的政黨 ,有充分的理由藉由不同的管理或者監督機制來避免可能的代理損失。本文首先針對聯合政府下代理問題的成因進行簡短討論,再透過相關的文獻回顧,檢視在共同治理的過程中,有哪些不同的制度可以被聯合政府內的政黨用來約束以及監督其執政夥伴的投機行為,以及這些制度的成效。最後,本文也針對此一文獻未來可能的發展方向,提出簡單的幾個建議。
While delegating policymaking power across party lines can create the principal-agent problem in multiparty governments, scholars widely acknowledge that political institutions are crucial in mitigating this issue. To avoid potential agency loss, parties in multiparty governments may employ various control mechanisms to keep tabs on their ruling partners. This paper begins by briefly discussing the causes of the delegation problem in multiparty governments. We then provide a systematic review of the current literature to demonstrate the ins..
This paper attempts to provide an overview of Taiwan's International Political Economy (IPE) studies from 2010-2021. We collect the data from Taiwanese academic materials, including Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index (TSSCI) journals, Ministry of Science and Technology projects, theses and dissertations, and scholarly books. We rely on descriptive statistics analysis to present the distribution of research subjects and methods in each academic material. In addition, we also compare the analytical results of Taiwanese IPE studies with..
This paper’s purpose is to analyze the relationship between the pre-war Hanbatsu politics and the post-war factional politics in Japan in order to understand the continued ideals of the political oligarchy and their effect on the operations of present politics. In terms of the studies on factional politics in Japan, most scholars use the viewpoints of the election system or the balance of power, etc. However, this paper tries to explore factional politics from the institutional and historical cause and effect viewpoint. To do so, this..
自從1989年共黨統治垮台之後,波蘭曾被視為前東歐共黨集團國家中最為成功的民主轉型和歐洲整合範例;然而,2015年「歐洲難民危機」 爆發之後,在「法律與公正黨」(PiS)領銜之下,伴隨著基進的反難民(移民)言論,卻為波蘭點燃前所未見的右翼狂潮,不僅已經成為二戰法西斯主義之後最顯眼的政治現象,也為現代西方自由民主政體制度帶來嚴峻的挑戰。從一個較為廣泛的波蘭脈絡出發,本文將從政治、文化和歷史三個面向,剖析難民危機安全化、基進反難民(移民)論述和今日政治右翼霸權(..
Since the fall of Communism in 1989, Poland has once been viewed as the most successful example of the democratic transition and European integration among former Eastern bloc nations. In the wake of 2015’s refugee crisis, however, a full-outbreak of Poland’s political right-wing movement with their radical anti-refugee/immigrant rhetoric, led by ‘Law and Justice’ (PiS), has already become the most striking political phenomenon in Europe since WWII’s fascism and posed a comprehensive challenge to..
本文主要的目的在於爬梳社會科學方法論中因果機制分析的發展和演進,並進一步評估政治學研究中如何運用因果機制來進行解釋以及討論相關的解釋效力的問題。本文將具體評析政治學國際關係領域中民主和平論之論點,以此來衡量政治學運用因果機制解釋的優勢和侷限。因果機制研究層面上,本文聚焦在機制的定義和類型、機制的觀察性、因果機制與因果關係、法則和中介變數的差異、機制的層次、機制的運作和測量、機制的路徑圖。因果機制運用層面上,本文側重於民主和平論的源起和演進、 民主和平論的重要論述、對於民主和平論的挑戰以及..
The main purpose of this paper is to parse out the development and evolution of causal mechanism and to further evaluate how political research adopts the method of causal mechanism to explain and discuss the explanatory effect in the field of qualitative methods. Our focus is to shed light on the causal mechanism of democratic peace theory in the field of international relations and to gauge its advantages and restraints. On the dimension of causal mechanism, this paper focuses on the definition of mechanism, observation of causal mechanis..
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