過去多年間,中國在網路科技領域取得了突出的建設成果,成為當代國際網路事務要角。北京當局近期更提出「網路強國」戰略,試圖全面強化國家網路實力。中國在網路領域的進取,不僅對美國的固有優勢構成挑戰,也助長了美國政府對其戰略意圖的疑慮,從而增添雙邊關係的不穩定性。為瞭解中國網路建設藍圖與對美政策立場,本文審視了「網路強國」戰略的主要內容,及美國因素在其間的影響;同時透過國際關係研究中的「避險戰略」 探討中國對美網路互動態樣,說明中國政府如何在網路事務中,同步推動對美..
China has made huge advances in the field of cyber technology in the past few years and it is now an important player in international cyber affairs. Beijing recently introduced its ‘Cyber Power Strategy’ in a bid to comprehensively strengthen the nation’s cyber capabilities. China’s cyber ambitions not only constitute a real challenge to the U.S. but have also prompted concerns in Washington about China’s strategic purpose and have more uncertainty to their already unstable bilateral relations. ..
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership(TTIP)currently being negotiated by the United States and the European Union is widely considered as the largest and most ambitious regional free trade agreement in the history of international trade. It attempts to establish common regulatory standards for the transatlantic marketplace, dealing with many issues such as ensuring food safety, attracting media attention and public debates. This paper discusses the TTIP agreement and the US-EU cooperation on food safety regulatio..
2014 年 2 月爆發的烏克蘭危機是歐洲當前最嚴肅的區域安全挑戰,這不僅是因為烏克蘭危機使得歐洲再度出現區域衝突情勢,同時也因列強介入而使得地緣競爭強度漸趨激烈。學界多探討烏克蘭危機及其背後的歐洲地緣競爭意涵,然較少從烏克蘭內部安全策略選擇的角度分析,本文嘗試補充此等觀點,從內部因素出發,分析烏克蘭內部政治如何影響區域危機的發生。 本文認為:第一,烏克蘭受制於強權競爭,使烏克蘭與其他中間地帶國家,都必須在左右強權互動格局下進行回應與策..
Ukraine is situated strategically between EU and Russia. The outbreak of the Euromaidan Revolution(February 2014)designates the advent of severe geopolitical competition in the European continent. Though it is crucial to understand this competition through the lens of great power rivalry, small and medium countries that exert certain leverages between great powers also warrant our attention. We argue that the domestic approach is suitable to explain the transformation of Ukraine’s security choices. We first develop an a..
Consumers, the food industry, and the government are the main actors in the area of food safety and the embedded domain of public health. Theoretically, only by balancing power among the three actors will desired food safety be maintained, even though the three actors have different preferences. Nevertheless, the industry frequently plays the leading role in the market because of its superiority in information possession. Thus, the government usually leans toward collaborating with the industry, leaveing consumers under indus..
探究國際規範擴散,是解析國際社會規範塑造國家偏好、利益與行為,以及探索國際社會共享知識文化構成的重要課題。現有國際規範擴散的研究成果,多以人權作為研究案例,偏重國際組織、非政府組織與知識社群的作用,但是亦遭遇線性思考的批評,難以解釋國家為何不遵從的盲點。 檢視臺灣轉換 IAEA 用過核燃料暨放射性廢物管理安全聯合公約的歷程,可以發現國際組織與非政府組織的作用十分薄弱,而享有專業科學知識的政府組織,僅看重科學技術在核安全事務扮演的有限角色..
International norms diffusion is an important issue by which we explore how the international social norms have shaped national preferences, interests, and behaviors, as well as the constitution of shared knowledge in the international community. Taking largely from human rights case studies, existing findings on international norms diffusion have mainly suffered from linear thinking and difficulties in explaining noncompliance of international norms. Analyzing the transfer of the Joint Convention on the Safety of ..
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