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搜尋結果 : 和"政治"有關的資料, 共有324筆
A Political-Economic Analysis of the Development and Influences of Singapore's Sovereign Wealth Funds
范世平(Shih-Ping Fan)

過去以來新加坡的主權基金,由於其卓越的經營績效與成功的管理模式,被視為全球主權基金的模範生。而不論是新加坡政府投資公司析或是淡馬錫控股公司,這兩大新加坡主權基金者都建構出不同的發展與投資模式,除了相輔相成地提昇了新加坡在國際間的政治經濟實力,而且將其收益還富於民。本文透過 「相互依存」 與「經濟激勵」的角度,分析新加坡主權基金發展迄今的意義, 特別是在 2007 年美國發生次貸風暴而引發的全球金融危機後,其重要性與競爭優勢更被凸顯。但是不可諱言的是,當其資金大舉輸出與進行企業併購之後,也..

In the past, the Sovereign Wealth Funds of Singapore was viewed as a paradigm for global Sovereign Wealth Funds due to its outstanding management performance and successful management model. Regardless of Government of Singapore Investment Corporation and Temasek Holdings (Pte) Ltd, these two major Sovereign Wealth Funds constructed divergent development trajectories and investment patterns. Except for collectively improving Singapore's political-economic power around the world, they also benefited Singaporean citizens financially. Thro..

Transnational Certification Network: Development and Problems
辛翠玲(Chuei-Ling Shin)

在各種跨國公民社會的組織活動.跨國議題倡議網絡 ( transnational advocacy network, TAN )是近年來常見、且最為學界所知的組織形態。TAN乃源於民間,由民間人士基於主動的認知與共同的理念,結合各界力量所形成的跨國壓力團體。近年 TAN 作法推陳出新,且發展出有別與以往的跨國認證網絡。 跨國認詮網絡係指以標章為工具,將標章賦予道德規範的內涵,藉以推廣其理念的新型TAN。現有認證網絡者,涵蓋有機農業、公平貿易、森林保育、道德貿易等議題。本研究分析跨國..

The theory of transnational advocacy network, developed by Keck and Sikknink in 1998 has been one of the most in-depth and systematic concepts providing insights to the myths of transnational civil societies. The TAN theory depicts how the TAN, originated and led by civil groups, attracts supporters across border lines to collectively pressurize certain target government against improper policies or behaviours. The introduction of the TAN theory has been enormously influential within the transnational level of analysis in IR studies, formin..

The Democratic Party of Japan's Decision-making Model of the "Politician-led Government" and the Leadership of Prime Minister Hatoyama
黃偉修(Wei-Hsiu Huang)

日本民主黨於 2009 年的眾議院選舉中擊敗執政的自由民主黨,黨魁鳩山由紀夫於 9 月 16 日成為日本首相。由於民主黨在參議院未過半,為了維持國會穩定運作,鳩山首相選擇與社會民主黨、國民新黨組成聯合內閣。 不過鳩山政權內部不斷出現閣員之間的對立,而鳩山首相始終無法處理這些政府決策過程之中所發生的混亂,學者與主要媒體多認為,發生混亂的原因是在於鳩山本人的領導能力不足。不過本論文認為,導致鳩山政權內部的混亂主因是民主黨建構的決策運作模式本..

Yukio Hatoyama, the chairman of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), succeeded to the Prime Minister of Japan on 16 September 2009 after DPJ won the 2009 Japanese general election. In the election, DPJ acquired 308 out of a total of 480 seats in the House of Representatives of Japan, while the Liberal Democratic Party(LDP), the former ruling party only acquired 119 seats. However, Hatoyama was thus forced to form a coalition government with the Social Democratic Party and the People’s New Party in response to a situatio..

The Political Implications of Cross-Strait Youth Contacts: Student Visits as China's Policy to Promote Unification
耿曙(Shu Keng)曾于蓁(Jean Yu-Chen Tseng)

針對漸行漸遠的兩岸關係,對岸近年推出一系列的惠台、交流政策,試圖強化兩岸民間互動,促進雙方和平統一。此類政策核心環節之一是兩岸的青年交流,自 2004 年以降,邀訪活動即不斷擴大規模,參與頗為熱絡,但此類政策能否發揮部分人士憂慮的政治影響,目前似未見系統的實證研究。 有鑒於此,作者乃透過深度訪談,搭配以問卷分析,探討此類交流接觸經驗,能否轉變參與者的政治認知及政治認同。根據作者研究發現,參與此類活動後,台灣青年既有的刻板印象,產生相當顯著的變化,但若觸及深層..

To break the stalemate of today’s cross-Strait relations, China has formulated a series of policies recently to promote cross-Strait exchanges and in the end to create pro-unification interests in Taiwan society. One of the key elements of these policies is hosting student teams from Taiwan for a short visit to China. Since the year 2004, these student teams have attracted thousands of Taiwan college students each year and through these teams, the students had first-hand contacts with the Mainland Chinese society. But t..
