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搜尋結果 : 和"Japan"有關的資料, 共有187筆
The Space Development of Japan in New Era: Perspectives of Space Diplomacy and Dual Use Technology
鄭子真(Tzu-Chen Cheng)


Modern technology is advancing with each passing day, and human space activities are also showing a completely different appearance from the past. Aerospace technology not only extends to the universe, but also profoundly affects human daily life, such as satellite transmission, emerging industries, and military technology. In order to regulate these human activities in space, the current international law must deal with new issues such as space junk, international legalization of space, and protection of space assets. At the same time, low..

The Study of Interaction and Role Between Japanese NGO and Government on ODA
林淑馨Shu-Hsin Lin


After World War II, with the complexity of international affairs, cross border economic activities, new technology and the internet contributed to the increase of human interaction. This also increases the interdependence between countries, as well as the changes in international relationships made the borders among countries more and more vague. The rise of Non- Government Organizations (NGOs) indicated that the concept of “nations as the main player in international affairs” is being challenged. NGOs gradually t..

自由保守與國粹保守: 現代日本保守主義的兩種面向
Liberal Conservatism and National Conservatism: Two Aspects of Modern Japanese Conservatism
安井伸介Shinsuke Yasui


The literature and academia have paid widespread attention to modern Japanese conservatism. Japan’s political society tends to be considered as leaning towards the right especially after the 1990s, resulting in many studies focusing on modern Japanese conservatism and criticizing its phenomenon. Past studies, however, did not often analyze the issue from the viewpoint of political thought, and therefore, this essay aims to fill such a gap. Conservatism has taken on an important role around the world, constitu..

「村社會」的繼承與蛻變: 試論日本戰前藩閥與戰後派閥政治的關連性
The Continue and Change of Murasyakai: The Analysis of the Relationship between Pre- War Hanbatsu Politics and Post-War Factional Politics in Japan
鄭子真(Tzu-Chen Cheng)


This paper’s purpose is to analyze the relationship between the pre-war Hanbatsu politics and the post-war factional politics in Japan in order to understand the continued ideals of the political oligarchy and their effect on the operations of present politics. In terms of the studies on factional politics in Japan, most scholars use the viewpoints of the election system or the balance of power, etc. However, this paper tries to explore factional politics from the institutional and historical cause and effect viewpoint. To do so, this..

日印特別戰略夥伴關係: 新形態的戰略合作關係
A Special Strategic Partnership between Japan and India: New Patterns of Strategic Cooperation
林賢參(Hsien-Sen Lin)

本文檢視2005年以降日印兩國建構在外交、經濟、與防衛等領域合作的制度化過程,是否意味著將邁向同盟關係發展。日印兩國與中共之間分別存在著領土主權爭議,再加上中共積極擴大在印太區域的軍事存在,平衡中共威脅成為日印發展戰略合作的重要動機。2014年9月,日印將兩國戰略合作關係提升為「特別戰略性全球夥伴關係」,勾勒出雙方戰略合作 的路線圖,以共同發展印太區域的自由、開放、繁榮,以及確保印太海洋的交通線安全。不過,受限於國內共識與軍事實力不足,以及擔憂中共採取反制措施,短期內日印兩國不可..

This article examines the institutionalized development of diplomatic, economic, and defense cooperation between Japan and India since 2005, and whether or not both countries will move toward an alliance. To clarify further, Japan and India have disputes over territorial sovereignty with China, and China has actively expanded its military presence in the Indo-Pacific region. Thus, balancing China’s threats has become an important motive for Japan- India to develop strategic cooperation. Since September 2014, Japan and India have promo..
