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搜尋結果 : 和"International System"有關的資料, 共有2筆
An Analysis of Systemic Theorization of International System in International Relations Theory and Its Epistemological Speculation: The Reflection of Non-Equilibrium Systems Theory
郭雪真(Hsueh-Chen Kuo)

從 1950、60 年代受到政治學「行為主義革命」的影響,國際關係理論 開始嘗試建立科學的研究,「科學派」遂以「體系論」(system theory)進行 國際關係的理論化,國際關係的理論化也就成為國際體系的理論化。歷經 1960 年代只有少數國際關係學者關注國際體系理論的「相當低度發展的階 段」,1970 年代起逐漸有較多不同的學者都嘗試藉由其他學科(例如社會 學、生物學、控制學)學者的體系理論提出不同的「國際體系」理論化途 徑,1980 年代由新現實主義..

Following the behavioralism revolution of political science in the 1950– 60s, attempts for international relations(IR)theory to become scientific began with the theorization of IR through systems theory that engendered the theorization of international systems. Through an underdeveloped stage involved with only a few scholars in the 1960s, a contending stage with various approaches proposed in the 1970s, a dominated stage of neorealism in the 1980s, and to an opposite stage of constructivism and international historical..

An Analysis on "International Systems" in International Historical Sociology
郭雪真(Hsueh-Chen Kuo)

國際系統的理論化是國際關係理論發展的關鍵階段之一,甚至有學者認為國際關係理論研究如同是(國際)系統理論化的傳統。國際關係學者從 1950、60 年代開始進行國際系統的理論化,嘗試建立科學研究的國際系統理論,不同的學者都嘗試藉由其他學科學者的系統理論(systems theory)提出不同的國際系統理論化途徑。國際關係歷史社會學學者歷經三階段的國際系統理論化途徑,第一階段引述歷史社會學學者的國際系統觀點,作為其國際系統理論化及批判新現實主義國際系統理論化的主張..

Theorization of the “international systems” is a critical stage in the development of International Relations Theory(IRT). Some IR scholars even thought that IRT is a tradition of(international)systems-theorization. Since the 1950s and 1960s, IR scholars began to theorize the “international systems” and build a scientific study on international systems theories. Many scholars tried to propose approaches in theorizing the “international systems” through system theories from other disciplines..
