本研究以為,兩岸關係的核心議題即為經濟合作擴溢到政治協議的爭 論,原因在於其涉及政黨認同、族群意識、國家認同、臺海安全,以及經濟 發展等各種複雜因素。鑑於經濟合作為當前臺灣兩岸關係進程的關鍵議題, 本研究以「新自由制度主義」(neo-liberal institutionalism)作為研究架構,分 析在 2010 年簽訂「海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA)之後,臺灣民眾..
As far as cross-Strait relations are concerned, the core issue could be the argument about the spillover effects from economic cooperation toward political negotiations, because it closely relates to party identification, ethnic consciousness, national identity, cross-Strait security, and economic development. In light of the critical agenda of cross-Strait economic cooperation, this study employs neo-liberal institutionalism as the theoretical framework, and examines the impact of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement..
兩岸關係基本結構「政治疏離、經濟融合」,素有「經濟能否扭轉政治」之辯論。過去研究多直接討論經濟交流下的政治效果,卻較少對於經濟 「如何」影響政治多加描繪,使政治效果產出之前經濟發揮之「潛移默化過程」未能清楚交代。為能釐清經濟如何發揮政治影響力,本文以兩岸經貿交流現況中,大陸著力甚深的「台灣農漁產品採購」政策,聚焦兩岸首次漁業契作:「學甲—上海虱目魚契作」,討論經濟影響政治的機制及其作用。根據本文研究,中共對台農漁採購政策效果並不在於立即性的扭轉台..
Since the two sides of the Taiwan Strait restarted economic negotiations and signed a number of socio-economic agreements, there has been growing interests in the political implications of the economic linkage. While previous studies mostly illustrated various political outcomes of Cross-Strait economic exchanges, they tended to overlook how China can utilize its economic leverage to influence Taiwan. This paper argues that China’s preferential policies toward Taiwan farmers did not aim to alter Taiwanese identity in th..
本論文目的在於,針對韓國與臺灣及中國貿易結構,探討兩岸 ECFA 對韓臺經貿關係的影響。韓國與中華民國臺灣皆是以出口為導向的國家,經濟成長主要依靠對外出口。兩國的經濟、產業結構相似、出口市場重疊,在國際市場成為競爭對手。韓、臺最大的出口市場都是中國,對中國的主要出口產品同質性高,在中國市場難免形成激烈競爭。兩岸簽署 ECFA 之後,臺灣較韓國擁有較大的價格優勢,將會削弱韓國在中國市場的競爭力,這對韓國的外貿而言,堪稱一場災難。為了渡過兩岸簽署 ECFA 的難..
The goal of this paper is to examine impact of the ECFA on economic and trade relations between South Korea and Taiwan from trade structure among three counties. South Korea and the Republic of China at Taiwan are export-oriented countries that mainly rely on economic growth by export. Both countries have become competitive on the international market as their bilateral economic and industrial structures are similar and export markets overlapping. China is both countries’ largest export market and there exist homogeneit..
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