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搜尋結果 : 和" legalization"有關的資料, 共有1筆
Market Disruption in the International Economic Law Processes of Legalization: A Study from the Perspective of Agenda-Setting
曾雅真(Yea-Jen Tseng)

討論國際經貿規範的法制化過程,無法規避國際法與國家間的權力運作問題,更不能忽視國際社會不存在最高權威之國際無政府狀態的事實。國際社會存在國家資源暨地位的不對稱差異,使強權得以操縱國際經貿議程,建構符合強權利益的國際經貿規範。形式上,國際經貿規範的法制化,係參與者基於對等地位,透過雙邊暨多邊談判後所建構而成的法律,但其實質內容,仍反映強權國家在不對等的基礎上,操縱談判議程,鑲嵌強權利益,扭曲平等正義,強化本國優勢,限制對手經貿發展機會之事實。 ..

It is hard to neglect neither the fact of power competition nor the anarchic character of the international society as scholar researches the context and the practice of international law. The asymmetric distribution of international resources enhances the possibility for powerful states to manipulate the agenda of International Economic law legalization processes, which are therefore constructed in according with the interests of the international Powers. Formally, international economic laws are instituted through bilateral..
