The literature and academia have paid widespread attention to modern Japanese conservatism. Japan’s political society tends to be considered as leaning towards the right especially after the 1990s, resulting in many studies focusing on modern Japanese conservatism and criticizing its phenomenon. Past studies, however, did not often analyze the issue from the viewpoint of political thought, and therefore, this essay aims to fill such a gap. Conservatism has taken on an important role around the world, constitu..
During the process of building a nation, various original conditions, such as common historical memory, language, culture, religious beliefs, etc., play an important role. In the history of integration of Ukrainian statehood, the most important events are the independence of the Ukrainian Church, where it separated from Moscow’s rule and the creation of a national Church. However, from the position of the Ecumenical Orthodox Church, this topic not only touches state policy, but also the Church tradition, which has a connection with th..
2011年3月11日,日本規模9.0地震所引發的海嘯,導致福島核電廠出現爐心燃料熔損及放射物質外釋的緊急狀態。福島核災後,媒體大篇幅的報導,引發了國人對核電安全的普遍關注,也激起國人對國家整體核電政策的關心。為了解福島核災後,新聞媒體使用哪些框架再現核電議題? 這些媒體框架是否因報別的不同而有所差異?福島核災後新聞媒體報導凸顯了哪些人的觀點?這些人所呈現的立場與價值為何?有何差異?以及福島核災後新聞媒體的報導呈現何種趨勢?在媒體框架和價值觀點上是否有所變化?..
This study aims to explore how newspapers represents the nuclear power issue in Taiwan after the Fukushima Event, a catastrophic failure at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on 11 March 2011. The Fukushima Event has significant implications on both energy policy and anti-nuclear campaign in Taiwan. It also draws the attention of media coverage and has great impact on how media frame the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant dispute in Taiwan. The analysis of media frames and values within ongoing nuclear power policy debates not only ..
2014 年 2 月爆發的烏克蘭危機是歐洲當前最嚴肅的區域安全挑戰,這不僅是因為烏克蘭危機使得歐洲再度出現區域衝突情勢,同時也因列強介入而使得地緣競爭強度漸趨激烈。學界多探討烏克蘭危機及其背後的歐洲地緣競爭意涵,然較少從烏克蘭內部安全策略選擇的角度分析,本文嘗試補充此等觀點,從內部因素出發,分析烏克蘭內部政治如何影響區域危機的發生。 本文認為:第一,烏克蘭受制於強權競爭,使烏克蘭與其他中間地帶國家,都必須在左右強權互動格局下進行回應與策..
Ukraine is situated strategically between EU and Russia. The outbreak of the Euromaidan Revolution(February 2014)designates the advent of severe geopolitical competition in the European continent. Though it is crucial to understand this competition through the lens of great power rivalry, small and medium countries that exert certain leverages between great powers also warrant our attention. We argue that the domestic approach is suitable to explain the transformation of Ukraine’s security choices. We first develop an a..
英國脫離歐盟的公投意外地以過半(52%)比例通過,此舉不僅會重塑英國在世界上的位置,亦將深遠和持續影響其國內政治與經濟發展。在經濟上,公投結果已造成英鎊匯率持續下跌、商業活動減少、投資下滑與就業機會消失,尤其嚴重衝擊英國金融業。失去歐盟會員資格的情況下,倫敦金融中心恐難再維持歐元交易中心的領導地位。在政治上,如何在主張脫歐的民意與要求留歐的蘇格蘭和北愛爾蘭兩者間取得平衡,成為主政者維持聯合王國完整的最迫切挑戰。本文認為,以 1985 格陵蘭脫離歐盟為例,一國..
The UK referendum on Brexit was passed unexpectedly by a 52% majority. This result will not only reshape the UK’s place in the world but also has profound and enduring impact on the UK politics and economy. Economically, the Brexit result has caused continuing devaluation of UK sterling and declines in contracts, investment and employment. The UK financial service sectors have been affected the most. It is difficult for the City of London to maintain its position as the leading financial center of the euro without the U..
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