本文認為,「既有強權美國 vs. 崛起強權日本」(1931~1941)與「既有強權美國 vs. 崛起強權中國」(1993~2018)的比較,能為現今的美中關係提供許多建設性的思考。本文從既有強權的角度觀察其如何回應崛起強權;以Randall Schweller的歸納為基礎而建立一個相對完整的政策選擇全貌。作者發現:面對1931~1941年崛起的日本,美國先採「中立、綏靖」,後改採「制衡」,最終採「戰爭」。面對1993~2018年崛起的中國,美國以「交往」為基..
This paper argues that the comparative study of the two cases - the US dominant power vs. the Japan rising power (1931-1941) and the US dominant power vs. the China rising power (1993-2018) can provide ample constructive thinking on the contemporary US-China relations. This paper focuses on how a dominant power reacts to a rising power. An analytical framework of dominant powers’ policy options toward rising powers, based on Randall Schweller’s theories, is developed and applied to this study. This paper has found..
本研究探討 2003~2006 年期間,哈馬斯的政治轉型與其「抵抗方案」的關係。哈馬斯全名為「伊斯蘭抵抗運動」(Islamic resistance movement),因過去在以色列境內,從事自殺炸彈活動,被西方國家列入恐怖組織名單。 2006 年 1 月 25 日巴勒斯坦舉行議會大選,出乎眾人意料,哈馬斯成為選舉最大贏家。許多學者認為哈馬斯在政治上的轉型並非偶然。例如 2003~2006 年期間,即使哈馬斯發動多起自殺炸彈攻擊,但受到外在與內在環境的改變..
The aim of this paper is to examine Hamas’ political transformation by scrutinizing its resistance project between 2003 and 2006. Hamas is an acronym of the ‘Islamic resistance movement’, which was founded in 1987. Due to its past record of suicide bombings inside Israel, Hamas had, in the past, been viewed by some Western countries as a terrorist organization. However, since the Palestinian Legislative Council(PLC)election held in January 2006, Hamas unexpectedly had the capability of forming a government i..
本研究試圖由比較制度的角度,來解釋兩性政治涉入的差異。制度內化並規範了特定的性別關係與安排,透過認可特定價值以及資源分配,對於兩性政治涉入產生不同的影響。本研究將具有性別規範意涵的制度/政策,區分為平等、差異、以及轉化三種類型,並利用 2005 年第五波「世界價值調查」(world values survey, WVS)的資料,來檢視不同的制度對於男女政治涉入的不同影響。針對 33 個民主國家的制度分類和個體資料分析,我們利用階層線性模型來估算政策對於男性及..
This study attempts to explain the gender differences in political engagement with a comparative institutional perspective. Institution internalizes and regulates the gender relationship through value recognition and resource redistribution, thereby inducing different political attitudes and behaviors among men and women. We first categorize the gender-related institution/policy into equality, difference, and transformation, then utilize the fifth wave of World Values Survey data of 2005, to examine the varied impacts of diff..
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