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搜尋結果 : 和" 社會科學"有關的資料, 共有5筆
國際關係建構主義理論的心物二元論:Alexander Wendt量子社會科學理論的分析與批判
The Mind-Matter Dualism of Constructivism in International Relation Theory: An Analysis and Critique of Alexander Wendt's Quantum Social Science
莫大華(Ta-Hua Mo)

Alexander Wendt 運用量子意識理論作為其建構主義的知識論主張,嘗試證明科學實在論的觀點,也就是可以能科學地研究與證明理念與意識在形成集體認同及行動的作用。Wendt 的量子意識理論肇因於建構主義內部的知識論爭論,他科學實在論的知識論立場引發了不同的批評,遂而提出量子意識理論作為回應,企圖告訴讀者不同的思考世界方式。 本文將聚焦於 Wendt 所提出的量子意識理論(假設)對於建構主義理論 (甚至整個國際關係理論)的意涵,以及..

Alexander Wendt tries to use quantum consciousness theory or hypothesis (QCT) as an epistemological position for his constructivism to defend the scientific realism that it can scientifically research and prove the effects of ideas and consciousness on collective identity formation. Wendt’s QCT resulted from the epistemological debates within constructivism, his scientific realism has generated various critics, he initiated QCT to response these critiques and tried to tell readers how to think the world differently. ..

The Classic Contexts of Shiratori Kurakichi's Oriental Historiography: The Origin of Scientific China Research in Japan
石之瑜(Chih-Yu Shih)葉紘麟(Hong-Lin Yeh)

本文透過日本中國學東京學派始祖白鳥庫吉所創東洋史學,討論中國研究科學化的意義。白鳥力主以科學方法研究中國,進而掌握普遍法則,超越歐洲學界只能從西洋看中國的侷限。不過,白鳥的問題意識與他所反對的漢學傳統之間,仍未見各種聯繫,他的身世與師承出自漢學傳統,因此不能擺脫漢學議程上朱子學與反朱子學的互動脈絡; 白鳥也分享了同時代中國學者躍躍欲試想與西方競爭的氣氛,所研究的對象更是帝國活動的舞台所在,因此與國學派所思所辯輝映。無論問題意識的來源或從事知識活動的動機,科學與漢學都不是對立的。 ..

Shiratori Kurakichi's initiative to establish “Oriental historiography” was the first attempt to apply social science methods to China studies in Japan. He believed that Japan was in a better prepared posittion than its Western counterpart in their common pursuit of universal laws of behavior. This is because Japan understood both the West and China while the West was restricted by its own historical experiences when approaching China.  This paper connects Shiratori's scholarship to classic Sinology in late medi..
