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搜尋結果 : 和"理論"有關的資料, 共有125筆
Do We Still Need International Relations Theory to Study Chinese Foreign Policy?


In recent years, international relations theory has faced a potential crisis of obsolescence. The development of the three major paradigms—realism, liberalism, and constructivism—has stagnated, and the gap between theory and policy implications has widened. Empirical research guided by middle-range theories are replacing traditional international relations theory that emphasize generalization and systematic frameworks. Although international relations theory remains important, neither realism, liberalism, nor constructivism have..

Non-War Offense and Defense: On Preventive Measures Taken by the United States Towards China


In the international arena where powerful nations coexist, and the possibility of war exists, there are differing opinions on who triggers wars. Power transition theory suggests that a rising power will initiate war against a dominant power out of dissatisfaction with the status quo. Other argue that the declining state is motivated by preventive motivation to take action against rising adversary. However, both the power transition theory and the preventive motivation argument primarily focus on the initiation of war. This perspective refle..

Analyzing Hegemon’s Strategies for Tackling with Rising Power-Theoretical Implications from Observing the Power Competition between the U.S. and China on Critical Technologies
陳欣之 (Hsin-chih Chen)


The specific strategies employed by a hegemon in dealing with rising powers are a crucial aspect of understanding the power competition between the United States and China. International relations paradigms have been influenced by the notion of the inevitable decline of hegemonic power, often disregarding the fact that a hegemon is a product of international-level efforts in science and technological innovation. This article aims to delineate the significance of technological innovation in maintaining global dominance for a hegemon with the..

The Space Development of Japan in New Era: Perspectives of Space Diplomacy and Dual Use Technology
鄭子真(Tzu-Chen Cheng)


Modern technology is advancing with each passing day, and human space activities are also showing a completely different appearance from the past. Aerospace technology not only extends to the universe, but also profoundly affects human daily life, such as satellite transmission, emerging industries, and military technology. In order to regulate these human activities in space, the current international law must deal with new issues such as space junk, international legalization of space, and protection of space assets. At the same time, low..

Hegemony and Challenge: An Interpretation by IR Theories
吳玉山(Yu-Shan Wu)傅澤民(Ronan Tse-min Fu)


International relations theories are always closely connected to real world international politics. This connection between theory and reality is particularly pronounced in today’s world. The strategic competition between the US and the PRC stimulates IR theories that can grasp and respond to the international reality. Among those the “Power Transition Theory” and “History and IR approach” are of the greatest explanatory potential. This paper begins with the core arguments and applications of the power transiti..
