This paper studies the challenges and problems Taiwan encountered in its development assistance to its African allies. Specifically, it examines the case of Malawi, where Taiwan has placed teams for 42 years. The author contends that only market-oriented agricultural cooperation can be sustainable. Farming assistance based purely on charity faces numerous local obstacles, and thus not only fails to improve poverty, but also generates dependence and resentment.
台灣與新加坡雖然一直被學者認為是發展國家的典型案例,然而兩者在 1990 年代之後卻邁向截然不同的轉型途徑;展現在國家介入市場的特徵上也大異其趣。雖然有關兩個發展國家的現況已有許多個別研究,然而透過比較的視角以探討兩地公私部門間的網絡鑲嵌結構的差異,在目前的研究文獻中仍然鮮少。本文透過制度論的分析架構,聚焦在兩者的政府介入企業層次的治理網絡,考察其結構的形成歷史與演變軌跡,透過量化的資料比較其異同,並探討兩種不同網絡結構可能會有的政經意涵。1990 年代以後..
Although Taiwan and Singapore have been considered as two successful cases of the developmental state model, their recent transformations demonstrate distinct and divergent paths. Recent studies have documented this transition from a macro perspective of the political-economic process, yet scholars have been relatively inattentive to the market governance network from a meso-organizational perspective. We believe that it will help us better understand the transforming nature of two developmental states by looking at the netwo..
2008 年 9 月,美國、玻利維亞及委內瑞拉三國爆發令周邊國家擔憂的嚴重外交衝突事件。這個緊張情勢雖然在三方決定自我克制的情況下,除了相互驅逐大使,情勢並未惡化,但三方何以採取如此克制的作為,是筆者欲在本文探討的議題。本文利用傑維斯(Robert Jervis)1976年書中所提出決策者的認知、對他國意向的解讀、敵意的高低等認知心理途徑的核心概念,檢視 2008 年美、玻、委三國外交衝突事件中,三方究竟本於何種的利益考量或計算,才做出相互克制以緩解衝突的決..
In September 2008, there was a serious diplomatic confrontation involving the United States, Bolivia, and Venezuela that alarmed other countries in the Western Hemisphere. The decision to exercise self-restraint on all sides meant that action was limited to the mutual expulsion of ambassadors and the crisis did not escalate. In this paper, the author studies why the three countries exercised such self-restraint. Robert Jervis’ core concepts of policymakers’ perceptions, the understanding of other countries’ ..
在美國歷史上所簽訂的 14 項 FTA 中,NAFTA 與 CAFTA-DR 最能展現總統與國會在 FTA 政策制訂上所扮演角色與影響決策的程度,故本文以此兩項 FTA 作為研究美國 FTA 決策主體的案例。研究發現,在對外政策的決策主體的三種不同的模式:總統主導模式、國會主導模式與互動模式中,總統模式最能解釋美國 FTA 政策。總統具有龐大的國內外行政資源與政黨力量,可以干預國會的決策並改變個別議員的投票傾向,在不影響 FTA 基本內涵與目的下促使國會通過..
Among all 14 FTA’s signed by the U.S. in history, NAFTA and CAFTA-DR - selected by this paper as cases to identify the entity that owns the power of dominating the U.S. FTA policy - most represent the dynamics and impacts of President and Congress on the FTA policy formation. The research shows that among the three models of decision-making entities of foreign policy - President, Congress, and Interaction, the President model best explains the decision-making of FTA policies. President controls enormous external and int..
二次世界大戰後,若干國家為使其外匯存底或公共基金產生更佳的增長效益,開始由政府設置主權財富基金,近年來其規模急遽膨脹而備受矚目,2007 年較 2006 年增加 18%而為 3.3 兆美元,預估至 2015 年將超過 12 兆美元。2008 年開始因美國次級房貸所引發的全球金融危機,主權財富基金成為許多國家與企業救亡圖存的希望。從國際政治經濟學的角度來看,符合「相互依存理論」與全球化理論中「過程論」的觀點;但在迅速發展下也出現了若干問題,不但動輒影響國際金融..
After World War II, in order to obtain better growth performance from the large foreign exchange reserves or public funds, several new financial institutions in East Asia and oil-producing countries in the Middle East started to have their governments establishing the Sovereign Wealth Fund. The Sovereign Wealth Fund has attracted wide attention as their scales rapidly expanded in recent years. The fund scale increased by 18% in 2007, as compared to 2006, and reached USD 330 billion. It is estimated that the funds will exceed ..
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