各期期刊 All issues

Shifts of Japan's Defense Policymaking: The Emerging Division of Labor between Political and Bureaucratic Elites
郭育仁(Yu-Jen Kuo)

日本「防衛計畫大綱」的制定模式隨內外環境變化,政治菁英與官僚的政策功能不斷改變,而政官之間互動也成為影響防衛政策內容的主因。過去四期的制定模式變化從冷戰期間高度左右意識形態對立下政治菁英消極參與及官僚有限主導、冷戰後政黨脆弱共識下政治菁英有限參與及官僚有限主導、到 911 事件後內閣強力主導下官僚被動配合、與民主黨執政下的多元政治參與及官僚擔任專業幕僚,逐漸形成政官分工架構。其中,內閣與執政黨負責提供政治領導、政策方向、與政黨間共識形成;防衛官僚認知國際局勢..

The making of Japan’s National Defense Program Guidelines (NDPG)has been shifting from a limited bureaucratic-centric model under domestic ideological confrontation and political elites’ limited participation during and after the Cold War to the division of labor between political and bureaucratic elites during Koizumi’s “Kantei Diplomacy” and the Democratic Party of Japan(DPJ)era. The Cabinet and ruling party provide political leadership, policy direction, and consensus formation in the ruling c..

Non-Traditional Security Issues and Small States Influences: The Case of Fight Against Cigarette Smuggling in Lithuania and EU
楊三億(San-Yi Yang)


As great power politics are regarded as trend setters in international relations(IR), most contemporary IR studies often neglected small states’ foreign behaviors. However, after the end of the Cold War, bipolar confrontation of great powers no longer existed, attentions began to turn to small states in the realm of international relations. The author argues that, with the help of proper design of methodological approach, the extent of small states’ external..

The President's Powers in Policy Areas and Decision-Making Mechanisms: A Comparative Study in Semi-Presidentialism
陳宏銘(Hong-Ming Chen)

半總統制是新興民主國家廣為採用的政府制度類型,而現有關於半總統制的研究不論是著重憲法規範或實證行為面向,對於總統常態性的政策權限設計和相關的決策機關配置的系統性探討較為欠缺。本文試圖藉由包括臺灣在內共 21 個半總統制民主國家憲法設計的探索,讓半總統制的研究和理論能觸及總統常態性的治理課題,是半總統制研究中的新嘗試。本文焦點在於系統性解析多個國家憲法中總統的政策權與決策機關之設計模式,並進一步探討其與半總統制憲法上的次類型和實際的運作類型之關係。藉由多國案例..

Semi-presidentialism has been a popular form of government in emerging democracies. However, systematic analyses on the presidents’ powers in policy-making or on the related mechanisms of their decision- making process have been scarce. To fill in the gap in the field, this article surveys the experiences of 21 democratic countries. With a focus on constitutional design of president’s powers in policy and decision-making mechanisms, this article also tries to discover their relationship with sub- types of semi-pre..
