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An Empirical Study on the Reactions to the U.S. Hegemony: The Bin Laden Incident of 2011
賴文儀(Mark W. Lai)

2011 年 5 月 2 日美國特種部隊攻擊賓拉登(Osama bin Laden)之住處並且結束長達十年對於頭號國際恐怖分子的追擊,在此之後,各國對於此事件的反應呈現出不同的面貌。本文將以實證方法研究美國與各國的外交關係、各國對賓拉登事件的反應、主要媒體評論之間的互動關連,整理出支持與不支持美國的總表。本研究亦將思考:在採取爭議性的方法達成其國家利益的同時,美國霸權是否可以在未來持盈保泰?本研究所採取的新聞分析方法,是否能夠提供外交政策研究更多的可能性? ..

As the U.S. special forces thundered into Bin Laden’s compound and terminated the decade long chase of the most wanted terrorist on May 2, 2011, the global reaction to this incident presented diverse versions for interpretation. This empirical study answers the questions: can the U.S. identify those who support or oppose its foreign policy by their reactions to the Bin Laden incident? By probing into the governmental archives and major media in selected countries, this research answers two more important questions: has ..

The Effects of Gender-Related Institutions and Policies on Political Engagement: An Empirical Study of 33 Democracies
李冠成(Kuan-Chen Lee)楊婉瑩(Wan-Ying Yang)

本研究試圖由比較制度的角度,來解釋兩性政治涉入的差異。制度內化並規範了特定的性別關係與安排,透過認可特定價值以及資源分配,對於兩性政治涉入產生不同的影響。本研究將具有性別規範意涵的制度/政策,區分為平等、差異、以及轉化三種類型,並利用 2005 年第五波「世界價值調查」(world values survey, WVS)的資料,來檢視不同的制度對於男女政治涉入的不同影響。針對 33 個民主國家的制度分類和個體資料分析,我們利用階層線性模型來估算政策對於男性及..

This study attempts to explain the gender differences in political engagement with a comparative institutional perspective. Institution internalizes and regulates the gender relationship through value recognition and resource redistribution, thereby inducing different political attitudes and behaviors among men and women. We first categorize the gender-related institution/policy into equality, difference, and transformation, then utilize the fifth wave of World Values Survey data of 2005, to examine the varied impacts of diff..

The Development and Assessment of International Historical Sociology
郭雪真(Hsueh-Chen Kuo)


As a reminder for the domestic scholars in International Relations to acquaint to the International Historical Sociology(HIS), this paper aims at researching the development, reflections and prospects of IHS, while analyzing its strengths and future orientations. This paper presents a five-part analysis to reach these aims. The first part describes the popularity of IHS. Though more scholars have paid attentions to it in recent years, the trends in Taiwan have been opposite. This paper drafts a short review and call for Inter..
