本研究探討 2003~2006 年期間,哈馬斯的政治轉型與其「抵抗方案」的關係。哈馬斯全名為「伊斯蘭抵抗運動」(Islamic resistance movement),因過去在以色列境內,從事自殺炸彈活動,被西方國家列入恐怖組織名單。 2006 年 1 月 25 日巴勒斯坦舉行議會大選,出乎眾人意料,哈馬斯成為選舉最大贏家。許多學者認為哈馬斯在政治上的轉型並非偶然。例如 2003~2006 年期間,即使哈馬斯發動多起自殺炸彈攻擊,但受到外在與內在環境的改變..
The aim of this paper is to examine Hamas’ political transformation by scrutinizing its resistance project between 2003 and 2006. Hamas is an acronym of the ‘Islamic resistance movement’, which was founded in 1987. Due to its past record of suicide bombings inside Israel, Hamas had, in the past, been viewed by some Western countries as a terrorist organization. However, since the Palestinian Legislative Council(PLC)election held in January 2006, Hamas unexpectedly had the capability of forming a government i..
自 2000 年後日本對亞太區域經濟整合與締結雙邊自由貿易協定日趨熱衷。2013 年日本正式加入由美國主導之跨太平洋夥伴協定(TPP),象徵著其參與區域經濟整合的高峰。本文之目的在探討自 2000 年代後期以來,日本對區域經濟整合的思維與政策發展,並以日本加入 TPP 的政策制定過程為例,剖析日本政府是如何克服國內的疑慮與反對而加入此一區域自貿協定。 本文採質化研究途徑,透過訪談日本官員、利益團體與學者及分析相關文獻,以了解日本加入 TPP 政..
Since 2000, Japan has become more active in signing free trade agreements(FTA)and regional economic integration. Japan’s decision to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP)in 2013 has reached an apex of its efforts in engaging in regional integration. The goal of this paper is to explore Japan’s FTA policy and its evolution by focusing on Japan’s decision to join the TPP. This paper adopts a qualitative approach by interviewing Japanese officials, scholars, interest group..
1992 年以來,蓋達組織的戰略行為是跨國界、不分軍民的恐怖攻擊。蓋達恐怖組織主要以打擊西方世界與其盟友的利益,為主要目標,形成國際安全的巨大威脅。本文使用文本、歷史、迷思與信仰四個文化要素,以蓋達組織為例,試圖理解宗教導向恐怖組織的戰略行為;以《古蘭經》與《聖訓》 為主的伊斯蘭宗教文本,賦予蓋達組織戰略脈絡;二戰後的歷史經驗,形成蓋達組織將西方勢力逐出伊斯蘭世界的戰略目標:源於極端伊斯蘭思想的理念迷思,將「聖戰」作為恐怖攻擊的戰略手段;最後賓拉登的信仰,落..
Since 1992, al-Qaeda's strategic behavior is characterized by its cross- border and indiscriminate massive terror attacks with both military personnel and civilians as targets. Al-Qaeda’s goal is to strike the interests of the Western and its allies, thus posing a dangerous threat to international security. This article attempts to use four cultural elements – text, history, myths and beliefs – to understand the strategic behavior of al-Qaeda that is religious- oriented. “Quran" and “had..
日本「防衛計畫大綱」的制定模式隨內外環境變化,政治菁英與官僚的政策功能不斷改變,而政官之間互動也成為影響防衛政策內容的主因。過去四期的制定模式變化從冷戰期間高度左右意識形態對立下政治菁英消極參與及官僚有限主導、冷戰後政黨脆弱共識下政治菁英有限參與及官僚有限主導、到 911 事件後內閣強力主導下官僚被動配合、與民主黨執政下的多元政治參與及官僚擔任專業幕僚,逐漸形成政官分工架構。其中,內閣與執政黨負責提供政治領導、政策方向、與政黨間共識形成;防衛官僚認知國際局勢..
The making of Japan’s National Defense Program Guidelines (NDPG)has been shifting from a limited bureaucratic-centric model under domestic ideological confrontation and political elites’ limited participation during and after the Cold War to the division of labor between political and bureaucratic elites during Koizumi’s “Kantei Diplomacy” and the Democratic Party of Japan(DPJ)era. The Cabinet and ruling party provide political leadership, policy direction, and consensus formation in the ruling c..
受到中央集權歷史傳統之影響,法國地方建制乃是以「鞏固行政權」或 「代行行政權」為特色;即使歷經了兩波「去中央集權化」,法國的行政權優勢性依然扮演重要角色,且造成中央集權與「地方分權」並進之現象。在進入第五共和時期後,「強行政、弱立法」的制度特徵,以及隨著修憲而逐步建立的「體制大總統化」,更確認了法國總統在行政權運作當中的核心定位,並使「優勢行政權」成為論述法國政治發展的重點。 從憲政研究的角度來看,論者經常是以「總統化」闡述法國憲政運作..
This paper reinvestigates dominant executive power in France. Due to France’s historical background as a highly centralized state, local governments play a role in “consolidating” or “acting for” executive power. Even though France has encountered two waves of reforms of decentralization, executive power is still more dominant than legislative power, a characteristic of the Fifth Republic. Nevertheless, amendments to the constitution have placed the President at the center of the operations of ex..
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