2016 年夏,歐盟面臨近 20 年來恐怖主義威脅的最高峰。2015 年初開始,伊斯蘭恐怖分子陸續對法、比、德等國境內大城發動恐怖攻擊,使歐洲國家陷入極度恐慌。本文從歐洲恐怖主義的歷史背景出發,討論歐洲恐怖主義意識形態基礎的轉變,並描述伊斯蘭國對歐洲的威脅。此外,歐洲外交安全政策、內部移民問題與社會問題、聖戰意識形態、網路科技等因素,皆對歐洲近期恐怖主義的發展,產生重大影響。此一波歐洲恐怖攻擊方式,主要 以孤狼式攻擊為主,而歐洲聯盟也以內部與外部行動,企圖回..
In the summer of 2016, Europe was facing its biggest terrorist threat of the last two decades. Form the beginning of 2015, Islamic terrorists have launched a series of attacks on major cities in France, Belgium and Germany. The EU has been in a state of panic after the attacks. First, this article discusses the transformation of terrorist ideology in Europe from a historical background and describes the threat of the Islamic State. In addition, the European foreign and security policy, immigration and social problems, jihadis..
2007-08 年爆發全球金融危機後,美聯準會(Fed)實施三輪的量化寬鬆貨幣(QE)政策以支持金融穩定與刺激經濟成長。Fed 的 QE 政策導致美元貶值,這意味持有過半美國債券作為儲備貨幣之外國官方機構(Foreign Official Institutions, FOIs),其國債部位將產生巨大之資本損失。強調新自由主義世界秩序重要性之國際政治經濟學文獻,在論述金融全球化時指出, Fed 的銀行紓困計畫對其他經濟體形成非意圖性之資本流動的外溢效果。藉由 ..
In the wake of the global financial crisis that struck the world in 2007- 08, the U.S. Federal Reserve(the Fed)has undertaken three rounds of quantitative easing(QE)in an effort to sustain financial stability and stimulate economic growth. However, the Fed’s QE policy inevitably resulted in dollar depreciation, which means a huge capital loss for foreign official institutions ( FOIs ) since FOIs hold more than half of the outstanding stock of U.S. Treasury securities as official reserve holdings. Existing International ..
英國脫離歐盟的公投意外地以過半(52%)比例通過,此舉不僅會重塑英國在世界上的位置,亦將深遠和持續影響其國內政治與經濟發展。在經濟上,公投結果已造成英鎊匯率持續下跌、商業活動減少、投資下滑與就業機會消失,尤其嚴重衝擊英國金融業。失去歐盟會員資格的情況下,倫敦金融中心恐難再維持歐元交易中心的領導地位。在政治上,如何在主張脫歐的民意與要求留歐的蘇格蘭和北愛爾蘭兩者間取得平衡,成為主政者維持聯合王國完整的最迫切挑戰。本文認為,以 1985 格陵蘭脫離歐盟為例,一國..
The UK referendum on Brexit was passed unexpectedly by a 52% majority. This result will not only reshape the UK’s place in the world but also has profound and enduring impact on the UK politics and economy. Economically, the Brexit result has caused continuing devaluation of UK sterling and declines in contracts, investment and employment. The UK financial service sectors have been affected the most. It is difficult for the City of London to maintain its position as the leading financial center of the euro without the U..
國家安全戰略中的經濟安全層面關注之面向為掌握經濟資源管道,維持經濟繁榮與永續發展,進而保障經濟體系長期穩定成長與安全運作。韓國自 1990 年代末期啟動 FTA 戰略,作為主要的對外通商核心政策,希望透過積極參與經濟整合,提升國際地位。 本文由韓國構築 FTA 戰略之源起為背景,以韓國政府公報、官員回憶錄、美國國會之公開檔案、智庫之研究報告、國內外學者撰寫之重要期刊論文與專書以及主要媒體報導為參考素材,配合訪談參與韓美 FTA 談判之雙..
National security strategy on the economic level of concern focuses not only on controlling economic resources to maintain prosperity and sustainable development, but also ensures long-term and stable growth and safety operation in an economic system. South Korea has pushed forward the FTA strategy as its core foreign trade policy since the 1990s in order for participating in economic integration and enhancing its international status. This paper sets Korea’s FTA Strategy as the background and uses Korean gov..
The dynamic development of European security in both theoretical debate and policy practice has made its research a momentous model in the field of security studies. This article aims at exploring various theoretical structures of European security by systematically examining both rationalism and non-rationalism in regional security, international relations theories, and global systems. Core issues of focus are allocated at three levels. The article applies a theoretical basis to the volatile evolution of European security du..
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