This paper attempts to (re)interpret Estonia’s security policy by adopting the concept of “marginality,” an idea that bears such elements as geopolitics, identity, size and power relations, and is therefore suitable for studying small states’ security policies. A small state located at the margin is not necessarily constrained by or subjected to the great power at the center, because as a constituent part of the very relationship, the margin always has certain potential to exert influence on the center. In the case of post-Cold War Estonia, the state has undergone a reorientation of foreign and security policy away from Russia and towards the West. In this process of “center- substitution,” Estonia has shown a great commitment to the new center by actively taking part in the order(s) constructed by the NATO (the United States in particular) and the EU. In addition, through exploiting its marginal position between Russia and the West, Estonia also seeks to shape the attitude of the NATO and EU towards the old center, Russia, and other post- Soviet states. Despite these positive practices, there are also limits to Estonia’s room of maneuver. An example in this regard can be found in Estonia’s failed attempts to overturn the “Nord Stream” gas pipeline project conducted and promoted by Germany and Russia. The relationships between a center and a margin therefore are dynamic and can have various outcomes.
歐洲統合於過去半個世紀的發展,為政策實踐與學術研究提供建構歐洲特殊身份認同的機會。在尋求一個適合其身份認同的全球性角色的過程當中,歐體/歐盟已在對外政策的合作進程中,展現與傳統強權不同的特質,並呈現出具關鍵影響力的規範性力量。隨著在政策領域當中歐洲國家逐漸發展出對外與安全政策整合的機制,學界也提出「公民強權」的概念,藉以指稱在聯盟的層次上,以集體性的非軍事措施解決國際衝突的方式,在經過不斷實踐形成行為體間互動慣例模式後,所建構出具特殊性的歐盟國際身份認同。 然而,當歐盟開始試探軍..
A half century of European intergration has had a profound effect on both policy practice and academic research in pursuing the distinctiveness of Europe's identity as a whole. In the process of finding an appropriate role based on its constructing identity, the EC/EU has shaped a distinct foreign policy and developed decisive normative power in world affairs. Along with the formation of foreign and security policy cooperation among EU member states, the academic circle has proposed the “civilian power” concept, referring to..
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