在各種跨國公民社會的組織活動.跨國議題倡議網絡 ( transnational advocacy network, TAN )是近年來常見、且最為學界所知的組織形態。TAN乃源於民間,由民間人士基於主動的認知與共同的理念,結合各界力量所形成的跨國壓力團體。近年 TAN 作法推陳出新,且發展出有別與以往的跨國認證網絡。
跨國認詮網絡係指以標章為工具,將標章賦予道德規範的內涵,藉以推廣其理念的新型TAN。現有認證網絡者,涵蓋有機農業、公平貿易、森林保育、道德貿易等議題。本研究分析跨國吉認證網絡之運作後發現,首先,跨國認證網絡量雖是 TAN 的一種,但與傳統 TAN 有不少差異,可視之為 TAN 的一種變異類別。其次,跨國認證網絡突破以往的跨國公民政治,在作法上創信,如自行成立規範機制,並自行運作此機制等。最後,本研究並指出,跨國認證網絡的作法固有新意,但也挑戰了既有的全球與國際政治之運行默契。理論學界需特別關注跨國認證網絡現象所帶來的影響與可能爭議。
The theory of transnational advocacy network, developed by Keck and Sikknink in 1998 has been one of the most in-depth and systematic concepts providing insights to the myths of transnational civil societies. The TAN theory depicts how the TAN, originated and led by civil groups, attracts supporters across border lines to collectively pressurize certain target government against improper policies or behaviours. The introduction of the TAN theory has been enormously influential within the transnational level of analysis in IR studies, forming the basis of numerous empirical studies Regardless of its achievement, nevertheless, the concept of traditional TAN could not fully account for the development of transnational certification network, which was set to implement private regulation for specific social or sustainable products beyond standards decided by national governments or international governmental organizations
This paper introduced and compared the newly developed concept of transnational certification network with that of transnational advocacy network. This study found that transnational certification network differs from the traditional TANs. While traditional TAN pressurizes its targets with political tools, certification network seeks to discipline its targets with market forces. Moreover, by creating its own soft law, transnational certification network adopt governance tasks that were supposed to be the responsibility of sovereign states. The unprecedented attempt of transnational certification network thus challenges the existing global and international order. Questions also arise about its legitimacy and the completion between private regulation and national and international law.
隨著國際社會議題的多樣與複雜,解決各種國際議題不再單靠各國政府,加上民間團體的行為者崛起,政府如何與其互動與合作,共同解決受援國長期發展的結構性問題,則顯得越來越重要。理論上,NGO與政府之間若能有清楚分工及相互接受其角色,應可以建立一種相互增強的關係。但實際觀察卻發現,由於NGO的理想性高,加上若經費自主,就容易與政府保持距離並保持警戒,故雙方在國際援助議題上未必形成協力關係,甚至可能產生對立。 研究發現,以日本為例,影響該國NGO與政府協..
With the diversity and complexity of international issues, resolving international issues no longer rely on individual government entity. As civil society raises, how government cooperates with the civil society to resolve long-term constructive international problems has become more and more important. Theoretically, should non-governmental organizations (NGO) and the government have clear work scope and accept their roles, a mutual enhanced relationship can be built. However, NGOs are ideal in reality. And with self-sustained budget, NGOs..
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