在安全策略選擇模式建立上,本文認為中小型國家親歐或親俄安全選擇是政策天然選項,這主要是因為權力競逐過程中,中小型國家為能鞏固安全環境而不得不作出的政策調整,不過此種選擇彼此有異同處,本文希望能找出這些中小型國家安全政策選擇關鍵所在,並建立一個中小型國家策略抉擇的模型分析。本文首先區分歐俄權力競逐中間地帶的 16 個國家地緣分布,以此作為親歐親俄政策選擇之地緣政治觀點。其次將從這些不同群組國家的親歐親俄政策路線進行分類,依其加入歐洲各式政經軍組織之國際協定,判斷其親歐與親俄的策略選擇。最後將討論這些中小型國家安全策略選項的要素分析,嘗試釐清這一群組國家選擇的內外因素。
The European continent has been free of great wars since the end of Cold War. This article assesses security studies in international relations by focusing on middle ground states’ strategic choices in relation to great powers. We argue that Small and Medium States(SMSs)widespread in Eastern Europe, Balkan Peninsula and South Caucasus have their strategic calculations in shaping their security choices. The article posits that the decision-making process of SMSs’ security policies rests upon differentiated and cross-pollinated factors. Balancing, bandwagoning, neutrality, accommodation and transformation are features of SMSs’ choices.
The author employs SMSs’ international participation as variables in explaining their security choices and uses a mix of elements of political/economic factors in analyzing those states reacting to neighboring powers. We find that geopolitics and regional integration are crucial in shaping Europe’s security environment, while domestic and responsive factors co-construct SMSs’ policy formation. In conclusion, we seek to understand the implications of our analysis of SMSs’ security choices.
英國於 2016 年 6 月 23 日舉行全國性公投,脫歐派以 51.9%勝出,再於 2017 年 3 月 29 日啟動《歐洲聯盟條約》第 50 條脫歐程序,意味英國通知後的兩年內脫離歐盟。英國脫歐將對英國與歐盟帶來重大深遠之影響,英歐未來關係很大程度將取決於脫歐談判之結果,包括脫歐條件、過渡機制以及雙邊協定等安排。本文以英國脫歐對歐盟之影響為研究對象,探討英國脫歐對歐盟預算、經貿、歐洲整合及對外關係等方面之潛在影響。本文建議英國與歐盟應從事理性談判,架構出..
A national referendum was held in the UK on 23 June 2016, with the result of a 51.9% vote to exit the EU. On 29 March 2017, the UK triggered the Article 50 procedure which will lead to Brexit in two years. Brexit poses a big challenge for both the UK and the EU. Future UK-EU relationship will mainly be decided by the results of the Brexit negotiations, in terms of its exit arrangements, transitional mechanisms, bilateral agreements, etc. This paper focuses on the impact of Brexit on the EU, particularly on the EU’s budg..
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