期刊內容 Issue content

The Military Dimension of the European Security and Defence Policy: The Global Role of the European Union
甘逸驊(Francis Kan)


本文的主要目的在探討「歐洲安全與防衛政策」在一九九九年正式成立至今,在軍事面向的發展過程,是否強化歐盟的「軍事強權」的角色,以及經由防衛與軍事政策的合作,對於歐盟全球角色的影響為何。本文將首先探討「歐洲安全與防衛政策」的發展過程以及促成此政策成形的關鍵性因素; 之後將討論歐盟軍事層面提升的數項重要面向,以檢驗歐盟未來面對國際衝突所具備反應能力的利基; 同時本文也將探討歐盟在「歐洲安全與防衛政策」發展的可能變數; 最後,本文將總結歐盟在軍事面向的強化對於歐盟「軍事強權」角色定位與全球戰略地位的影響。

The process of the European integration in economic, cultural and universalising Western values in the past half century has reinforced EU's role as a global “civilian power”. The 1992 Maastricht Treaty founded a “Common Foreign and Security Policy ”, as one of the three pillars of EU, providing c0operation of foreign and security policies among member states with a legal basis. Nevertheless, regional conflicts in Europe of hte 90s only demonstrated that EU was not yet capable of solving military conflicts in its “backyard”. Accordingly, the “European Security and Defence Policy” was introduced in the late 90s with an aim for coordinating and fortifying military capabilities of EU member states to cope with future conflicts in its own region and beyond.

This article attempts to explore the impacts that the military cooperations have had on EU's global role by focusing on the military dimension of the ESDP.  Starting by discussing the development of the ESDP and some defining factors in shaping the policy, this article examines several elements that have determined the enhanced military cooperations. Moreover, the possible opportunities and challenges of EU's military capabilities are proposed. The article finally concludes with the emphasis on the prospects of a “military power” role EU plays, together with EU's strategic position on the global level.
