厚資料(thick data)這個名詞大約在 2013 到 2014 年間被創造出來。先在網路上流傳,後來出現在管理學的評論及期刊之中。一開始,這個詞的意思是強調「質化」方法的知識建構,多是從人類學的視角出發。但這並不新。其實,「厚」的核心內涵很早就在人類學中被運用,原稱叫作厚實描述(thick description),因此,現在使用「厚資料」一詞者,不少是從「厚描述」或「厚敘事」(thick descriptions)的人類學民族誌研究方法(ethnographic methodology)傳統來使用這個詞。可惜的是,若只是這樣從「研究方法」的角度來看這個詞,那麼「大」數據與「厚」資料,可能只是幾個世代下來「量化」與「質化」之爭的舊酒新瓶。
As a reflection and supplement to data-driven research, thick data was firstly proposed as a complementary method of using data to engage in meaning mining in 2013. Through the case of Chinese political economy, this article demonstrates how the use of thick data enables researchers to overcome the problem of data distortion. It argues that meaningful use of data sources is based on the identification of actors. In order to do so, researchers are required to answer the following two questions: Who are the actors contributing to the tendency shown by the data? What are the interests and incentives of those actors? The second question necessitates an extensive analysis, which makes sense of human behavior in relation to the data we collect.
本文主要研究問題是:中國大陸對於衝突預防的原則性立場與態度為何?在身為當事國與第三方行為者兩種不同身分時,其在實踐上有何不同?本文藉由南蘇丹危機與南海衝突兩個案例分析中國大陸在衝突預防實踐上,面對事關自身主權與國家利益以及與自身主權無關之衝突事件時,在衝突預防作為上有何差異?其宣示與實際作為有何落差?此外,為何中 國大陸在南海議題上,會由堅持雙邊對話,轉變為也同意透過多邊機制,作為處理南海主權爭議途徑的立場與作為?在這樣的雙邊與多邊機制下,呈現出怎樣的「中國..
The main research questions of the paper are as follow: first of all, what are China’s position, attitude, and actions in conflict prevention, second question is what is the difference between China’s action and statement on the issue of the South China Sea dispute and the South Sudan Crisis when China is one of the parties who faces sovereignty and national interest, and as a third- party in the practice of conflict prevention. Third question is why China is willing to change her position from insisting bilateral..
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