The theory of “soft balancing” deals with the actions and interactions among states that is different from traditional balancing theories. The former features a belief that states achieve balances among themselves in indirect and covert ways under uncertain threats and interests pegged with other states. During the past few years, the theory of soft balancing has gradually gained prominence in academic circles of international relations. Researchers not only apply the theory while interpreting actual cases, but also have commented and debated extensively with regard to its contents. This article explores contents of the theory by reviewing arguments in existing studies. The various balancing tactics are divided or combined to reflect the overall development status of the theory at present and clarify contents in question. Hopefully, it will help to promote more advanced studies in the future.
本研究主要以新古典現實主義的研究途徑,檢視跨太平洋夥伴關係(TPP)倡議以來,日本民主黨與自由民主黨在國內與國際面向所面臨到的局勢,以此分析對政策發展的影響,並提供合適的解釋,來說明政策轉變的原因。本論文的主要研究步驟如下:首先是理論的部分,針對國際關係主要學派有關外交政策的論點進行辯證;其次,則是簡要說明 TPP 的形成背景與日本相關政策的推動;復次,進一步說明日本歷任內閣對於 TPP 的立場,並討論面臨的課題;最後,再以理論連結決策過程當中..
This paper attempts to analyze domestic and international situations faced by the Democratic Party(DP)and the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)since the TPP was proposed from the neoclassical realism approach. The purpose of this paper is to analyze policy development impacts and explain the necessity of policy changes. This paper will focus on (1) critical thinking of foreign policy from different major international relations theories, (2) backgrounds of TPP development ..
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