2017 年 6 月 18 日起,中印在洞朗地區(Doklam)對峙近兩月,造成中印邊界情況一時緊張,雖然兩方最後是在金磚五國峰會進行數日前解除對峙狀況,但是洞朗地區依然是餘波盪漾,兩方軍隊也並未撤軍,反而繼續在洞朗地區駐紮。洞朗事件爭論的焦點,表面雖然事涉洞朗的主權,但是深一層的原因可能是印度更擔心中方的修路行動將對印度的東北部,包括阿魯那恰爾邦(藏南地區),產生戰略威脅。洞朗事件後,中印在邊界的互動模式將有所改變,而邊界氣氛緊張,也影響邊界談判,雙方雖在 2017 年 12 月舉行 了第 20 次特別代表會談,但進展仍局限在管控衝突爭議,維持和諧等原則上的議題。洞朗事件也反映中印在南亞地區爭奪勢力範圍的攻防,未來印度對於中國在南亞地區的一舉一動,只會給予給更高度的警戒與關注。
A military standoff lasted for over two months in Doklam between China and India since mid-June 2017, causing tension at the border. Although eventually the two sides disengaged days before the BRICS Summit in Xiamen, tension and speculations lingered in Doklam and troops are seen stationed in the area even in winter. The incident originates from the sovereignty dispute of Doklam, but at a deeper level, India has been concerned that China’s road construction in the area would cause strategic threats to the northeast, including Arunachal. In the wake of the Doklam incident, interaction between Chinese and Indian troops at the border has changed and border talks affected. In December 2017, special representatives of China and India met for the 20th border meeting, yet nothing substantial occurred and the two sides only reiterated principles on border issues such as maintaining peace. The Doklam incident also reflects the competition between China and India over the sphere of influence in South Asia. In the future, India will only pay more attention and be on high alert about any move by China in the region.
Global warming has changed geopolitics of the Arctic and prompted China to participate in the Arctic affairs. The Arctic offers many opportunities for China. First, it shortens the shipping distances to European and North American ports in order to increase trade competitiveness. Second, it develops different kinds of harbor economy and improve economic structures in the northeast of China. Third, it is able to acquire rich natural resources in the Arctic. Fourth, the Arctic can ameliorate China’s security problems, suc..
不論從當前的理論或是實務發展來看,中國在2010年以來的對外主要 作為均以其一帶一路倡議以及亞洲基礎設施投資銀行作為分析要點,而美 國的對應則聚焦在歐巴馬總統開始,並在川普與拜登時期成熟的印太戰略 上。學界與政策界對兩國互動的研析,不外乎是基於這樣的戰略架構討 論。不過,中國如何在近年發展之中逐漸形成一套在亞洲地區的策略,用 以應對美國及其盟友的印太戰略,目前並沒有一套較完整的架構解析。本 文認為,雖然在政策偏向、對外原則以及價值觀等面向,中國並沒有採用 美國及其盟國所主張的「印太戰略」..
From either theory or practice, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) have been identified as two major foreign behaviors of China. To respond, the United States adopts the Indo Pacific Strategy which started in the Obama administration and developed in Trump and Biden administrations. Though scholars and policy practitioners apply the aforementioned strategies to analyze US-China relations, the understanding of China’s strategy in Asia is still underdeveloped. This paper argues that while ..
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