This paper attempts to (re)interpret Estonia’s security policy by adopting the concept of “marginality,” an idea that bears such elements as geopolitics, identity, size and power relations, and is therefore suitable for studying small states’ security policies. A small state located at the margin is not necessarily constrained by or subjected to the great power at the center, because as a constituent part of the very relationship, the margin always has certain potential to exert influence on the center. In the case of post-Cold War Estonia, the state has undergone a reorientation of foreign and security policy away from Russia and towards the West. In this process of “center- substitution,” Estonia has shown a great commitment to the new center by actively taking part in the order(s) constructed by the NATO (the United States in particular) and the EU. In addition, through exploiting its marginal position between Russia and the West, Estonia also seeks to shape the attitude of the NATO and EU towards the old center, Russia, and other post- Soviet states. Despite these positive practices, there are also limits to Estonia’s room of maneuver. An example in this regard can be found in Estonia’s failed attempts to overturn the “Nord Stream” gas pipeline project conducted and promoted by Germany and Russia. The relationships between a center and a margin therefore are dynamic and can have various outcomes.
本研究以為,兩岸關係的核心議題即為經濟合作擴溢到政治協議的爭 論,原因在於其涉及政黨認同、族群意識、國家認同、臺海安全,以及經濟 發展等各種複雜因素。鑑於經濟合作為當前臺灣兩岸關係進程的關鍵議題, 本研究以「新自由制度主義」(neo-liberal institutionalism)作為研究架構,分 析在 2010 年簽訂「海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA)之後,臺灣民眾..
As far as cross-Strait relations are concerned, the core issue could be the argument about the spillover effects from economic cooperation toward political negotiations, because it closely relates to party identification, ethnic consciousness, national identity, cross-Strait security, and economic development. In light of the critical agenda of cross-Strait economic cooperation, this study employs neo-liberal institutionalism as the theoretical framework, and examines the impact of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement..
近年來,深綠選民經常認為是陳水扁總統在個人危機,或是民進黨在選戰中的主要訴求對象,因而凸顯了深綠選民的重要性。本文主要的目的在於探討深綠選民應該如何測量及定義,以及他們是否真的是泛綠陣營選票的主要來源。作者根據台灣意識、台灣人政權以及政黨認同的概念,建構三個不同的指標,以測量及定義深綠選民。分析結果發現:以指標的表現而言,三個指標各有其優缺點,但在 TEDS2005M 的資料中,以台灣人政權指標的整體表現較佳。三個指標所定義的深綠選民,投票給泛綠候選人的比例..
Conventional wisdom holds that when President Chen Shui-bian faces personal crises, as well as in the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DDP) election campaigns, Chen and the party always appeal to the so-called “deep- green voters” for support, such that these voters factor prominently in determining election outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to define and measure deep-green voters, and also to examine whether the support of deep- green voters is vital for the pan-green parties. The author creates three i..
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