台灣與俄羅斯都是在第三波民主化浪潮時,從威權或極權政體走向民主政體的國家。然而,兩國的民主政治發展卻有截然不同的結果。本文的主要目的,乃是在探討 1995 年至 2005 年之間,台灣與俄羅斯在民主發展上的異同。首先,針對民主鞏固之概念作概括性的整理與解釋;其次,說明台灣與俄羅斯民主發展之過程;接著,以民主轉型與民主鞏固的模型,深入比較台灣與俄羅斯民主化進程之差異;最後,則進一步提出台灣邁向民主鞏固與俄羅斯發生民主崩潰的觀察。
Both Taiwan and Russia became democracies during the period of Third Wave of Democratization. However, the results of democratization for each turned out to be completely different. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the similarities and dissimilarities of democratic developments during the period of 1995-2005. The concept of democratic consolidation and relevant ideas is clearly explained in the first section, also showing the process of Taiwan and Russia’s democratic developments. In addition, models of democratic transition and democratic consolidation to clarify the difference of both countries’ democratization are used. Finally, observations on Taiwan’s democratic consolidation and Russia’s democratic breakdown are offered.
蘇聯自 1922 年建立後,在主權的實踐上有兩重要的轉折點,一是 1922 年的建立,是透過條約的簽訂而組成。也就是 1922 年的蘇聯在本質上具有「邦聯」的性質。但是,隨著 1924 年蘇聯憲法的通過,「邦聯」的蘇聯轉換 成「聯邦」的蘇聯,原來俄羅斯聯邦、烏克蘭、白俄羅斯及外高加索聯邦四個共和國主權的安排,透過憲法架構下「自由退出權」的設計得到妥協。在這樣的架構下,蘇聯體制的變異性成為一個特殊的現象。這種變異性使蘇聯在聯合國創立之初,就出現「一國三席」的特..
During its establishment in 1922 and political transformation in 1924, the USSR transformed from a confederation to a federation through the Soviet Constitution in 1924. As a result, four sovereignties, including the original Russian SFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Byelorussian SSR, and the Transcaucasian SFSR, were entitled free exit rights as a compromise under the constitutional framework. This structure led to a unique phenomenon where one nation had three seats at the UN. While the USSR served as a permanent member in the U..
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